2018-02-13 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\02 - Feb. 5 - March 2\Week of Feb. 12\2018-02-13 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update Department: Community Development Date: 02/13/2018 Time: 9:00AM Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Fred Evander, Commissioners Stamper, Fund and Jackson Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Permit Center a. Monthly report Graham indicated both permit revenues and issued permits are up from this point in 2017. Lee pointed out permit issuance is up even though the permit center remodel is still being done, which is a credit to the permit techs. She updated the BOCC on ideas of the remodel (i.e. counter). 2. Interlocal Agreements a. Chehalis Lee had a meeting with Chehalis. She is still working with Chehalis to finalize an Interlocal Agreement (ILA). Discussions between the City and the County will continue. Progress has been made. Commissioner Jackson asked if there is no revenue sharing, what it would look like financially for the County? Lee will check with Becky for any insight on budgetary repercussions. Lee noted ESSB 6091 (the “Hirst Decision”) may need to be added/addressed in the ILA, as well. b. Morton Lee presented a draft letter to the BOCC about terminating the ILA. Only two permits have been issued in the Morton UGA recently. Lee indicated the agreement with Morton is out of date 3. Planning Division a. Update Comprehensive Plan and Critical Area Ordinance Fred spoke about the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO): Lewis County is reevaluating the CAO. The County must regulate the Critical Areas as mandated by the Growth Management Act. Fred showed the BOCC the Critical Areas info on the Community Development website. Fred is in the process of simplifying and clarifying Critical Areas review processes and associated information. TO DO: - Commissioner Stamper will speak with the Mayor of Morton about the ILA and its status. - Lee will check with Becky about budget impacts of cost sharing. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\02 - Feb. 5 - March 2\Week of Feb. 12\2018-02-13 CD Minutes.docx Not pertaining to an agenda item, Lee informed the BOCC about ESSB 6091 updates and will continue to provide outreach. Topics for next update currently scheduled for March 13, 2018 Actions to be requested: Input only as to the topics outlined above