2018-02-14 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update February 14, 2018 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Arny Davis, Treasurer, Rodney Reynolds, Becky Butler, Lara McRea, recorder Start 10:02 am Coal Creek Dr- Discussion was held regarding the Coal Creek Drive project in Packwood. Erik noted that FEMA will cover 87.5% of the cost and 12.5% or approximately $225k would be the match amount. FEMA also holds back 10% of the project cost until final review. Erik is proposing a loan from Current Expense until FEMA funds are received. The total project cost would be around $1.8 million. Typically, FEMA reimburses within 60 days. Arny noted the LCIP rate is currently 1.4% and the interest would go back into Current Expense. Typically, there is a one year note for loans but it could be extended if needed. Becky Butler entered the meeting at 10:13 am Discussion was held about drawing from the loan as needed instead of an upfront amount. Arny said that drawing from it as you need it causes extra work. Further discussion was held about using ER&R funds instead of Current Expense and setting up an amortization schedule. Erik will speak with Suzette about a loan from ER&R. Arny and Rodney left the meeting at 10:37 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Erik noted that the management team met and identified areas in the budget where reductions could be made. Reductions were made to training and travel and extra help hours. The Graf Rd Culvert project was removed and less expensive projects were added. There were also several unfilled positions that the department will hold off on filling for a few months or until 2019. The deficit between revenues and expenditures when the 2018 budget was adopted was $2.7 million. With the adjustments the deficit is now less than a million. Erik noted that the Real Estate Services Manager position has been offered to Martin Roy on an interim basis. Martin’s position would be backfilled and this will leave a vacancy in Survey. Becky left the meeting at 10:51 am Real Estate Work for other Depts.- Erik has drafted a memo to Larry Unzelman that would direct Real Estate Services to bill out work for other departments. Erik would like more discussions on this as we get into the 2019 budget. Matt Hyatt is working on dollar figure in regards to how much work the department has done for the Assessor in the past. Erik will address this issue at the next ESC meeting. Tim left the meeting at 10:58 am Insurance Subrogation- This is an item that Tawni requested be on the agenda. Erik spoke briefly regarding Risk’s process of contacting the insurance company of a citizen who damages county property. Lara spoke to Tawni before the meeting and the issue at hand was who was going to deposit the check when insurance money is collected. The issue appears to be resolved. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- Currently survey work is being done on the Borst Ave project. Once survey is complete then the project will be turned over to SCJ Alliance for design. The project will be at 30% design level when the open house occurs. Discussion was held regarding existing right of way and how much will be needed for the project. It was noted that it would be beneficial to have students from the high school attend the open house. North Lewis County Industrial Access- The board noted that Ed Orcutt says the NLCIA project will happen. It has a benefit for the IPAT and port area. The biggest benefit is truck access to industrial properties. It will also eliminate a lot of truck traffic. Further discussion was held. WATV’s- Erik said the WATV signs for the designated roads will cost $300 a piece. There are 105 signs needed which is a total of $31,500. Discussion was held regarding the availability of grant money for the signs. Tim suggested that a designated road wouldn’t be usable until the sign is up. Discussion was held regarding which roads would get signs first. The alternative is to not provide signage for some routes. There are other counties that do not have any signs related to WATV use. Commissioner Stamper said his preference is to open all the routes up at the same time. Commissioner Stamper left the meeting at 10:57 a.m. MAINTENANCE Graf Rd Culvert- Erik noted that all bids will be rejected on this project. This project would require use of close to $500k from the Roads Fund if no further funding can be obtained and it will be pushed to 2019. Pleasant Valley Culvert- The Pleasant Valley Culvert project will be done in place of the Graf Rd culvert project. The cost to the department will be approximately $78k. FLEET Striper Purchase- Erik said the company that fleet planned to purchase the striper from has closed their shop. The striper is now being built in Pennsylvania. There is concern regarding how the striper will be delivered and the cost for delivery. Tim Murphy, Fleet Manager is actively working on this purchase. REAL ESTATE North Fork- The North Fork project is in progress and on track to start acquiring properties. Once Larry Unzelman retires the department may hire him as a right of way consultant. Roundtree Property Sale- A bid came in from Dennis Keller for $52k which is $1,000 over the previous bid. Another advertisement will be done to see if any more bids will be received. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Hwy Safety Grant Project (Phase 1 and Phase 2)- This project is ongoing. 3R (resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation)- No discussion. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- The project is at the Washington State Dept. of Health and going through the comment period. SOLID WASTE Bonagofski Property- Erik noted the board is up to date on this so no discussion was held. GOOD OF THE ORDER Erik said that Steve Albert from the Timberline Community Association would like to hold another public meeting in Packwood. This meeting may be with just the affected homeowners. Meeting ended 11:36 am To do List  Erik to speak to Ed Orcutt about funding for the Coal Creek project  Erik to speak to Suzette about a loan from ER&R