2018-02-20 BOCC Weed updateLewis County Board of County Commissioners UPDATE Weed Control Date: February 20, 2018 Start Time: 10:30 AM Present Commissioners: Edna Fund, Gary Stamper, Bobby Jackson Others: Sheila Gray, Patrick Shults Reporter: Bill Wamsley Topics Actions 1. Budget – 2019 Weed Control, preliminary. Follow-up to Land Classification hearing held by the Weed Board in regards to RCW 17.10, assessment discussion. Informational 2. County Noxious Weed List, noxious weeds & vegetation control Lewis County Right of Ways, Parcels: Informational 3. Education programs: Friends of Seminary Hill Natural Area, Lewis Co. Beekeepers, WSU Master Gardeners, Illahee Garden Club (Randle) Informational Handouts: Land Classifications, Lewis Co Weed Board, Gorse publication, Pesticide Container Recycle event Gorse, Class B noxious weed in right of way. Lewis County Noxious Weed Control Board Land Classification Public Hearing October 31, 2017 Purpose: To identify lands and gather information to serve as a basis for land classification for consideration prior to levying an assessment against land in Lewis County for the control of noxious weeds. The Special Assessment and Land Classification process is guided by the State Weed law (RCW 17.10 .240) and on a premise that the control of noxious weeds is a special benefit to lands within any such section. Suitable classifications include, but not limited to: dry lands, range lands, irrigated lands, non-use lands, forest lands or federal lands. Outcome: The recommendation of a land classification system that identifies land classes suitable for Lewis County. Proposed Land Classes:  Forest Land  Non-Forest Land Forest Land This category includes all lands that are identified as: designated timber land on county tax rolls. Property classified as forest lands, as defined by RCW 84.33.035, which is used solely for the planting, growing or harvesting timber and which is typified, except for a single five year period following harvesting, by canopies so dense as to prohibit the growth of an understory. Designated forestland means the land only and does not include a residential home site. Rationale: Forest management and timber production benefits from noxious weed control. Classification required by state law. Non-Forest Land This category includes all real property in urban (incorporated) and rural (un- incorporated) land in Lewis County that is not classified in another land class (public and private ownership). Rationale: Noxious weeds have been found in urban industrial sites, landscapes, gardens, Parks, undeveloped lots, right of ways, cultivated crop/forage land, pastures and mixed forest lands. These lands benefit equally from noxious weed control where noxious weeds can be hazardous, poisonous to people & livestock or interfere with crop production.