2018-02-21 Auditor-Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update February 21, 2018 10:34 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Arny Davis, Rodney Reynolds, Larry Grove, Suzette Smith, Steve Walton, Becky Butler Guest: Natalie Johnson Recorder: Rieva Lester Rodney Reynolds gave an overview of the year-to-date revenue. Suzette Smith said the $50,000 in taxes for personal property and real property need to be checked if they should be attributed to 2017. Commissioner Stamper left at 10:36 a.m. and returned at 10:40 a.m. Suzette Smith discussed 2017 appropriations. Becky Butler said the health insurance changes appear to be leveled out. Suzette discussed the Public Facilities District’s request for a bond extension. Arny Davis said the PFD is asking for an additional $2.2 million. He said it would go into effect immediately. He said there would be a slight debt service increase in 2018-2021. He said the final payout would be in 2047. Suzette said it is a contingent loan agreement. She said it’s a wrap-around bond. Commissioner Jackson said he understands that the property belongs to the city of Centralia, not the county. Arny said the structure would default to the city if the bond defaulted. Commissioner Jackson said his understanding is that if the bond defaulted, the county would have to pay for it but the city would get the building. Suzette said Public Works has asked if ER&R can loan Roads $1.8 million until a FEMA grant comes through. She said the interest on ER&R is swept to the general fund. She said Public Works is still working on the 12 percent match. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Suzette Smith: Review insurance premiums trend and any double coverage BOCC: Ask bond counsel what would happen if the PFD defaulted on its bond FOLLOW-UP INFO Later in the day, Treasurer Arny Davis clarified the following regarding the PFD’s bond extension request: “Under current market conditions, the new bonds issued would total $6.8MM. Rates have increased in the last week which will further reduce the amount of bond funds received to $1.9MM and last week it was $1,975,000.00. Originally it was $2.2MM. Current PFD Bond owing is $5,075,000.00 of which $4,475,000.00 will be refunded.” Natalie Johnson left at 11:04 a.m. Becky suggested looking at the operation cash-flow loan. Suzette said the county needs to be more consistent with interfund cash-flow loans. Suzette said interfund loans use the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) rate in effect at the time of the loan. Arny said the standard rate for external loans is 3.25 percent. Suzette and Becky said three resolutions for interfund loans also used the 3.25 percent rate. Commissioner Stamper asked if the county could liquidate an investment for a specific project such as a $10 million juvenile detention center. The group said the county wouldn’t have that ability. Larry said the filing period for freeholders will be in May. Arny, Becky, Steve Walton, and Rodney Reynolds left at 11:28 a.m. Meeting adjourned at 11:34 a.m.