2018-02-27 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\02 - Feb. 5 - March 2\Week of Feb. 26\2018-02-27 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update Department: Community Development Date: 02/27/2018 Time: 10:30AM Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Fred Evander, Doyle Sanford, Eric Eisenberg, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund by phone (10:40), arrived 11:20 Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Interlocal Agreements a. Chehalis Lee is still working to find a financial impact of revenue sharing with the city of Chehalis. b. Morton Lee discussed sending a letter to the Mayor of Morton concerning the future status of the ILA. 2. Planning Division a. Update Comprehensive Plan and Critical Area Ordinance Fred is working on the Comprehensive Plan and Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO). Requirements by the State are driving these reviews. Fred explained the Comp Plan and CAO are two separate documents, the Comp Plan being a policy document while the CAO is a regulatory document. One of Fred’s goals is to simplify the CAO. Commissioner Stamper expressed concern over citizens not knowing their property is in a potentially hazardous area. Lee informed the Commissioners erosions hazard areas have been referenced in the CAO since 2008. Commissioner Fund asked if the State made Lewis County regulate these areas and Fred affirmed. Fred indicated new/updated maps are available to the public. Eric E. explained the County used the best available science to determine critical areas, but with GIS improvements, the County has the ability to be more accurate. Doyle added geotechnical reports are more detailed than the maps, which is considered best available science. He also added much of the severe and very severe soil erosion hazard areas are in timberland. Eric E. said the maps add to the quality of “best available science.” Fred reiterated maps are currently accessible to the public. Commissioner Fund inquired about the ease to accessibility of the current maps and Lee told the BOCC that one could Google search the subject or go to the County site. The County site is updated as items are presented to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Stamper will speak with the Mayor of Morton about the ILA Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\02 - Feb. 5 - March 2\Week of Feb. 26\2018-02-27 CD Minutes.docx As a note to the Commissioners, Fred plans to extend the LAMIRD at exit 57 east and Birchfield language will be removed from the Comp Plan as part of the update. i. Hirst (SB 6091) Implementation Representatives from the Lewis County Prosecutor’s Office met with J. Vander Stoep to discuss the Hirst Decision and each party’s interpretation of the Senate Bill. Community Development would like to require a well report at the time of building application, as part of adequate water supply RCW 19.27.097. The PA’s Office believes it is reasonable to require proof of adequate water supply at the time of submitting a building application. This requirement has been other counties’ past practice, thus being deemed “business as usual” for those counties. Outreach has been made to well drillers, who seem to be in favor of proving adequate water availability early in the development stage. It is a thought that this will encourage more efficient development. Lee informed the Commissioners about the number of different groups who she has spoken to about the Hirst Decision (well drillers, lenders, realtors, OMB). The BOCC would like more information as it becomes available. http://lewiscountywa.gov/community-development/critical- areas-update 3. Code Revision-Simple Segregations Not addressed. 4. PSA Contracts Not addressed. 5. Follow up Steve Bloomstrom Not addressed. Topics for next update currently scheduled for March 13, 2018 Actions to be requested: Input only as to the topics outlined above