2018-02-27 Staff MeetingStaff Meeting February 27, 2018 9:07 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Candy Hallom, Rachel Hunt Recorder: Rieva Lester The group discussed the OPMA. Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Stamper said to hold the line on how meetings have been and are posted. Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Stamper said to stop emailing the commissioners’ calendar on Friday and instead to send a link to the online version. The commissioners discussed their calendars. Commissioner Stamper said he would provide bullet points for a thank you letter to ORM and WSDOT for their work clearing the Riffe Lake vantage point. Candy asked if there have been any updates on the recording system. Candy said the commissioners need to appoint someone for District 2 on the PFD. She said she would draft a resolution to appoint Commissioner Stamper as the primary for the Washington Counties Risk Pool. Commissioner Jackson said he wants to be the alternate. Commissioner Jackson invited the staff to the day’s Central Services meeting, during which the BOCC office remodel will be discussed. Meeting ended at 10:01 a.m.