2018-02-27 Update with Steve MansfieldUpdate with Steve Mansfield February 27, 2018 10:00 a.m. Attendees: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Steve Mansfield Emergency Services Personnel updates- in process of hiring new employees, backgrounding four more people. Revamped the hiring and background process. Still have two employees in training. Performance evaluations have gone out as part of the new processes. Labor negotiations- Currently very little correspondence from the guild. ILA update- waiting on signatures from the entities. Starting on March 30th group will start meeting limiting the meeting to 90 minutes. 911 performance directed management progress- Steve gave an update on the phases being implemented regarding employee and management evaluations and reviews. He was unable to get to phase IV due to time constraints. Emergency Management- Steve very briefly discussed succession planning as he ran out of time. Meeting ended at 10:30 a.m.