2018-02-28 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update February 28, 2018 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Jackson, Lee Napier, Erik Martin, Doug Carey, Steve Mansfield, Archie Smith, JP Anderson, Tawni Shepherd, Steve Wohld, Steve Walton, Paulette Young, Danette York Guest: Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin discussed a notice of hearing for a franchise to Lakeview Terrace Water Association to construct, operate and maintain water system facilities in Lewis County rights of way. He said the hearing will be in March. Steve Walton discussed a resolution to approve a purchasing agreement between National Joint Powers Alliance and Lewis County. Steve said the county has not been able to locate its formal agreement with NJPA, which the county has worked with for years and years. He said the resolution will satisfy the state Auditor’s requirements. Danette York discussed a resolution to rescind and Replace Resolution #99-501, Resolution #04-314, and Resolution #07-290 Public Health & Social Services Accountability and Petty Cash Account. Archie Smith discussed a resolution to approve an update of the Lewis County Employee Handbook. HELD: A resolution to approve an Eighth Supplemental to a Professional Services Agreement with French & Associates, LTD. HELD: A resolution to approve a fifth supplemental agreement between Kramer Consulting and Lewis County. HELD: A resolution to approve Amendment #9 to Interagency Agreement, RCO# 15-1475, between the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) and Lewis County. HELD: A resolution to approve a seventh supplemental agreement between SBGH-Partners, LLC and Lewis County. LATE ADD: Commissioner Jackson discussed a notice of public transportation improvement conference. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to move one (1) Notice, two (2) Consent items, and three (3) Deliberation items to the Monday, March 5, 2018, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Commissioner Jackson left momentarily at 9:14 a.m. Roundtable The directors thanked Paulette Young for all of her help over the years. Lee Napier said Community Development has a developer agreement with Skookumchuck Wind Energy. Erik Martin said he has reached out to Rep. Orcutt responded to his request regarding Coal Creek. Danette York said the day marked the last day for one of her employees, who is being laid off. Steve Walton said March 16 is the deadline for budget amendments. Archie Smith said HR is drafting a first-day checklist for new hires. Paulette said Tawni Shepherd is the acting Risk manager in her absence. Meeting ended at 9:37 a.m.