2018-03-14 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update March 14, 2018 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Martin Roy, Real Estate Services Manager; Lara McRea, recorder Start 10:31 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Erik reviewed the amendments that were submitted for the 1st 2018 budget amendment. Amendments included TIP adjustments, an amendment for Borst Ave and sick and vacation leave payout for Larry Unzelman. Erik noted that the department is still holding off on filling several positions but will need to fill an Engineering Tech III position as the position is responsible for road ratings. An Engineering Tech position in the Environmental Division will need to be filled at some point as well. Surplus Property-charges for legal notices- Erik had previously spoken to Glenn about charging citizens for surplus property legal notices. Glenn said the county can charge for administrative costs and legal notices on top of a property purchase. The bid needs to cover the cost and it needs to be identified up front before it is advertised. It was noted that if no one bids then the general fund would cover the costs of the notice. Erik will work with Arny and PAs Office and set up a system. Annual CRAB certifications- Tim presented the management reports to board for Traffic Policing, Maintenance Management and the Fish Passage Certification. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- Erik said that the survey on the project will be turned over to the consultant on Friday then design will start. This project is on track to bid after the first of the year. The department will start having conversations with the citizens that will be impacted by the project in May or June when enough design is done. An open house will take place at 30% design and will likely occur before the students are out of school for the year. North Lewis County Industrial Access- Erik presented the 2018 and 2019 timeline for the NLCIA project that was developed by Thera from SCJ Alliance. He felt it would be a good idea to have a meeting with the Steering Committee to look at strategies and also to reach out to constituents to see if they are still on board. It was noted that Peter Lahmann is interested in getting an update on the project. Erik noted that Representative Orcutt has indicated the money is still targeted in the budget and will continue to be there. WATV’s- Erik noted they are currently working on the SEPA and it will be submitted in a few weeks. Chris Clow had called Erik to discuss some issues. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 11:07 am. Road Standards- Tim noted the road standards are progressing slowly but hopes to have something out this summer. Commissioner Stamper noted that he has a list of things to discuss with the stakeholders. Discussion was held regarding private drives and the fire code. Erik suggested a meeting with the rural fire chiefs would be beneficial. PW will inform Jack that a meeting needs to be coordinated with the fire chiefs. MAINTENANCE Coal Creek Drive-  Funding-Steve Albert has been working with Jaime Herrera Beutlers office regarding funding for the Coal Creek project. Currently the county is working on the design of the project. Commissioner Stamper noted he will speak with Dale Lewis about the issue. Commissioner Jackson entered the meeting at 11:24 am. Pleasant Valley Culvert- Tim noted the project is in the permitting and ROW process. Tim discussed the difficulty of permitting when an archeological study is required. Area 5 Shop Addition- David Fine will be reviewing the contract for the Area 5 shop addition. There are multiple issues with the addition to include the roof, concrete floor and mold problems. The contractor is not taking responsibility for any of it and Erik noted the county may go after the contractor’s bond. Public Works will also get a structural engineer to give their opinion on the best solution. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 11:27 am. REAL ESTATE North Fork- Erik reported that Bill Van der Hoeff has made several attempts to negotiate ROW with Jack and Cathy Cgraggen. Martin also reviewed Bill Van der Hoeffs negotiators log with the board. The Cgraggens think the project should altered so as not to impact them. The offer to the Cgraggens was $8,100 for half an acre. Almost $6k of this cost is to move their fence back. Part of the negotiation also is to allow them $750 for an attorney to advise the Cgraggens. Erik said he will explain this on Monday during the BOCC meeting and Commissioner Fund suggested noting the attempts and efforts made. Erik agreed to do so. This project will affect 22 residents. They have all received an offer and a few have signed. Jackson Prairie Franchise- Erik said he received the proposal back from PSE and most of the agreed upon changes are in the proposal. He noted another meeting will need to be set up with staff and whoever our assigned attorney is. Erik, Tim and Martin will be meeting this afternoon to discuss franchises. Roundtree Property Sale- No discussion. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Hwy Safety Grant Project (Phase 1 and Phase 2)- No discussion. 3R (resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation)-  Jackson-looking at grinding 300 ft. on both directions.  Paradise Estates-currently crushing rock and will haul soon. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- Erik noted he anticipates this project going to bid next month. SOLID WASTE Bonagofski Property- Commissioner Jackson reported that a resident who lives across from the Bonagofski property is interested in leasing the property for a parking lot. Erik noted that the county owns the Bonagofski property and suggested looking at a long term lease. Money could potentially be moved back into the abatement fund. Commissioner Stamper said he like the idea of a lease. Erik will look at a long term lease versus a sale agreement. The cleanup has cost around $62,200 but this does not include Public Health. Host Fee negotiations- Erik will contact Rob Hill again regarding a mediator for the transfer station host fee agreement. GOOD OF THE ORDER Martin received a call from Meri at Title Guaranty and would like to have a discussion about some parcels they wish to dispose of. Martin noted he did not know of the exact location of the properties abut they are close to the Title Guaranty Office. Larry had approached them multiple times over the past year. Public Works will set up a meeting with Title Guaranty. Meeting ended 11:45 am To do List  Erik will look at long term lease vs sale agreement for the Bonagofski Property.  Commissioner Stamper will get in touch with Dale Lewis regarding the Coal Creek project.  Erik will work with Arny and the PA’s office to set up a system to charge for legal notices for surplus property  Inform Jack of a road standards meeting with the fire chiefs to discuss fire code.