2018-03-13 LCSOe • c?G g E R t pFtiaH tWIscoutirr 04 titru, N•..SHERIFF • Lewis County Sheriff's Office Board of County Commissioners Update 3/13/18 Agenda Special Services Bureau: Chief Deputy Dustin G.Breen a. Detective Division activity b. Civil/Records Division activity I m-- t.4uJ c. Projects(Law&Justice ATM)_ AMuluaa J l4 use 6.0"T d. Training(Leadership/Firearms Safety) ft.., gas ss:,4 ._. P..-,,;_ fry , e. Staffing —T1Icer. hours 3804-0, t"' L+.sc s F,.r..aadun, 4,rf nd C:c..s --ru-u. SW r tt r mint. tEt.n.. J A.Ye. 34,714.I/ ,n.orz II. Corrections Bureau: Chief Deputy Chris J. Sweet a. Jail Activity t>refltl& o A _u a.-c—Y14.4 b. Facility Projects c. Staffing - clXu,. -r .ecc.i_ III. Field Operations Bureau: ChiefDeputy Bruce F. Kimsey a. Patrol Division activity b. Sheriff's Enforcement Team(SET)activity c. Staffmg IV. General Discussion: SheriffRobert R. Snaza n cs zr,r ttl a9tl rw:1 a. Budget-2018 LCSO/Jail(7.1%) a icz. r4.11011.1.1 Sl4sscLt . Budgeted YTD Spent Balance Percent Used LCSO-$7,742,982 $567,095 7,175,886 7.3% Jail-$7,677,230 $490,232 7,186,997 6.3% b. Upcoming Events(Traffic Safety BanquetNolunteer Recognition) Start Time: lb:i2 End Time: i b 66‘ Attendees: Sheriff Snaza Other: Nrdui Commissioner Jackson Undersheriff Rethwill Commissioner Stamper Chief Deputy Breen Chief Deputy Kimsey Chief Deputy Sweet ft,Spehrt Gaptain--T-awes Public Safety through Professional Service" 2005 2017 I % CHANGE Population ADP 257 209 19% Males 225 169 25% Females 32 40 25% Contracts 70 52 26% Males 68 42 38% Females 2 10 400% Processes Bookings 4,840 5,070 5% Releases 4,688 5,111 9% Ave Length of stay 16 days 9 days 45% Staffing FTE staff 61 51 .5 16% non commissioned 10 5.5 45% commissioned 51 46 10% of new hires 3 10 233% of departures 1 7 600% Services Meals served 258,743 233,242 10% Cost of meal served 1.21 1.58 31% Medical transports 45 57 27% Contract Transports 90 696 673% Discipline Inmate vs Inmate Assaults 27 20 26% Inmate vs Staff Assaults 3 1 67% Discipline hearings 64 199 211% Minor Infractions 128 496 288% Major Infractions 81 236 191% Mental Health Program contacts 253 2,595 926% WSH transports 17 24 41% Medical Inmate Contacts 7,351 18,967 158% Offsite Medical Bills Received 268,344.18 $825,883.98 208% Offsite Medical Bills Paid 110,828.19 $27,866.06 -75% Pharmacy Paid 43,227.89 $63,192.13 46% Reception Public Visitors 2,151 2,696 25% Professional Visitors 3,220 3,467 8% YEAR ISF Issued BOOKINGS %RESTRICTIVE CELLS 2008 548 5268 10.4 RESTRICTIVE CELLS• 2009 584 3603 16.2 30 2010 708 5370 13.2 zs 2011 723 5093 14.2 20 2012 796 4893 16.3 2013 889 5129 17.3 is 2014 990 4932 20.1 io 2015 1014 4754 21.3 s 2016 1150 5300 21.7 o 2017 1 381 5070 27.2 00$ oo' 19 '19 otiti o', '19 19oN oN,,19 "19oyISFisInmateStatusFormusedtooverrideclassification ti