2018-03-19 Meeting with District CourtMeeting with District Court March 19, 2018 4:01 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Judge Buzzard, Judge Samuelson, Hazel Dibble, Daleyn Coleman, Becky Butler, Archie Smith Recorder: Rieva Lester Hazel Dibble said the court commissioner salary has been set at $50 an hour since January 2002 (it’s 75 percent of a judge’s salary for a seven-hour work day). She said that it was a percentage of the judges’ salaries. She said at today’s rate, the equivalent would be $69.36 an hour. Hazel said a pro tem commissioner receives $92.05 per hour. Becky Butler said the pay increase seems warranted and that it appears it can be absorbed in their budget. Becky said her only concern would be tying it to the judges’ salaries. Judge Buzzard said the court commissioner, Wendy Tripp, makes herself available, even with short notice. Judge Buzzard said Judge Roewe also serves as a court commissioner. Hazel and the judges agreed that the courts could absorb the cost. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to increase the hourly salary for the District Court court commissioner position – from $50 to $69.36 an hour – effective April 1, 2018. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 3-0. The judges discussed the uptick in blood draws for DUIs. Meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m.