2018-03-20 Meeting to discuss Weed AssessmentMeeting to discuss Weed Assessment March 20, 2018 3:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Ross Petersen, Bill Wamsley Recorder: Rieva Lester Bill Wasmley suggested having a hearing on a weed assessment in July or August 2018. Bill said the Weed Board met and discussed land classifications. He said he would need to set pricing and find out the total number of each type of land classification. Bill said he has a regular update scheduled for May 22. He said he would like to present the final proposed assessment for each land classification in June. Bill said the Weed Board proposed two land classifications. He said only two people showed up to the hearing in October 2017. Bill said push-back could be expected from those who have only lawns and flowers as well as rural landowners who have a mix of pastureland and forest. Bill said he will create a Q&A to explain the difference between the current rate of services and what the services will be. Bill discussed the revenue that would be generated at the various different rates, and he discussed the rates at surrounding counties. Bill said the Auditor would need to create a special fund for the weed assessment. He said the Assessor and the Auditor would have responsibilities to collect. Bill said he would meet with Arne Davis and Dianne Dorey and then provide an update during his May meeting with the BOCC. Commissioner Jackson asked Bill his thoughts on potentially relocating Weed elsewhere in the county, such as at the James building or the fairgrounds. Commissioner Jackson said he met with Commissioner Dennis Weber recently about the possibility of working with Cowlitz County for a regional WSU Extension office. Meeting ended at 4:06 p.m.