2018-03-21 Update with RiskRisk Update March 21, 2018 4 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Casey Mauermann, Tawni Shepherd Recorder: Rieva Lester Casey Mauermann suggested adding records request tab online. She suggested including disclaimers, FAQs, fill-in forms, etc. Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Jackson said they supported the idea. Casey discussed having Rachel Hunt sit in on some training sessions. The commissioners agreed. Casey said she has 320 open requests in GovQA. Tawni Shepherd requested a denial for a loss claim regarding a wedding ring. She said the logs indicate the individual had the ring when she arrived and had the ring when she left for California. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to deny the loss claim for claim number LW 18-07. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Tawni said Risk is working on four outstanding lawsuits. Tawni said Risk is working on FloodFest at the fairgrounds. Meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.