2018-03-28 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update March 28, 2018 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Edna Fund, Erik Martin, Director; Jack Niehuser, Traffic Engineer; Lara McRea, recorder Absent: Commissioner Stamper Start 10:13 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Discussion was held regarding Secure Rural Schools funding. The current cash balance for roads is $1.4 million. Surplus Property-Charges for Legal Notices- Different alternatives for charging for legal notices were discussed. Erik will bring back a proposal to the next update. Public Works staffing discussion- Currently Public Works has three open positions for an Office Assistant. Public Works has two at the front counter and there is a half time position at Solid Waste. Christine Dickinson’s last day is this Friday and Linda Ray has offered to stay until the end of May to help train the new employee once hired. Erik noted we will need to hire an Engineering Technician for the Traffic Division. This position will be responsible for mandatory road ratings as this is a CRAB requirement. This position was previously held by John Link. Erik noted that we may fill the open Senior Engineer position soon. Ann is also in need of an Engineering Technician which was previously held be Nicholas Noble. If she can find a good casual helper the department will hold off on hiring this position for a while. Strategic Planning- Erik said he has spoken to the management team and would like to continue working on strategic planning in the department. Team meetings will be set up in April and the continued process will move forward. He has some guidelines that will lead the effort on the process. He would like the focus to be on succession planning and project delivery. Other topics will be the vision and mission statement of the department. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- Jack noted that the TOPO has been completed and the geo tech report and assessment will be completed next month. The county should have design concepts in May or June then the county can host an open house with the public. This will give the homeowners the opportunity to review the layout and ROW impacts. North Lewis County Industrial Access- Jack discussed the strategic planning efforts of the past two years and noted that SCJ Alliance will be working on the action plan this year. Meetings will be held with various entities to include Thurston County and FHWA to inquire if they are on board and willing to do their part in the project. Jack also noted that Representative Orcutt asked for talking points so he can potentially find money for planning, permitting and design. Erik said the department will try and get a meeting set up with Peter Lamond from the Port of Centralia in the next two weeks. Discussion was held regarding the Blakeslee Junction rail crossing which will be a key element of the project. Jack noted he has been speaking with the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) and there are grant funding opportunities available to address the congestion. WATV’s- Jack said the WATV roads have been identified and there are 135 of them. Currently he is drafting the SEPA document and noted a cultural assessment will also be needed. It could be a 6-week process in order to be compliant for the signage funding. The SEPA needs to be complete, then a cultural assessment and the final step is the hearing for the ordinance. Jack said he hopes to have this all complete by September or October. Road Standards- Jack noted the department has been working with SCJ Alliance and plans to have some workshops that will compare other municipality’s road standards with Lewis County standards. Lee Napier is coming up with ideas for single family homes so homeowners would not have to make roadway improvements regardless of the amount of lots. Jack noted that emergency services still need to be met. He also said the road standards are on target to be adopted later this summer. MAINTENANCE Coal Creek Drive-  Herrera-Beutler Discussion-Erik noted that he and Commissioner Stamper had a conversation with Dale Lewis from Jaime Herrera-Beutler’s office regarding the Coal Creek Driver project and also the project that Steve Albert and the Timberline Community Association are trying to push forward. Erik noted that FEMA will fund the county’s project but will not fund the project proposed by Steve Albert as there is no engineering or design to the project. The goals of the two projects are the same but the designs are different. Dale did say he would be happy to help push the permitting process if the county needed assistance. Area 5 Shop Addition- Erik is waiting on the structural engineering report for the work done on the Area 5 shop addition. He has received the air quality report and all is clear. There are face masks available to any employee who wishes to wear one but there is no health hazard per the report. David Fine will get involved again as soon as the structural engineering report is received. REAL ESTATE North Fork- Erik said the notifications have been complete for the condemnation on the Cgraggens Property. If the BOCC approves the condemnation on April 9th the PA’s Office will file for eminent domain on the property once all necessary documents are prepared. The property is a strip of land along North Fork Rd and the county needs about a ½ an acre. Erik noted this is a sensitive issue but an important part of the project. He suggested that the board have a meeting with David Fine prior to April 9th to review the process and know what their rights, responsibilities and options are. A separate meeting will be set up after the director’s update on Wednesday, April 4th. Erik discussed the timeline of the process with the board. Jackson Prairie Franchise- Currently Ross Peterson is reviewing the proposal that Public Works received back from Puget Sound Energy (PSE). If Ross agrees it meets the intent, then Erik will bring back more information at the next update. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates 3R (resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation)-  Jackson-Erik noted we are fixing a strip just north of Hwy 12 with traffic loops. WSDOT would like the county to pay for them but this is in discussions. The area will be fixed regardless.  Paradise Estates-The engineers estimate for grinding was $39k and the lowest bid received was less than $14k. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- Erik noted that this project is going out to bid soon. SOLID WASTE Bonagofski Property- Kevin Korpi is working on installing cable chains to keep people from entering the property. Host Fee negotiations- Erik said that he met with Rob Hill this week and they plan to schedule a meeting with the mediator. They both agreed to try and get this issue resolved in April. GOOD OF THE ORDER No discussion. Meeting ended 10:54 am To do List  Set up meeting with David Fine, the board, Erik and Martin Roy to discuss the eminent domain issue on North Fork Rd.