2018-03-26 Meeting to discuss freeholder proceduresMeeting to discuss freeholder procedures March 26, 2018 4 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Eric Eisenberg, Larry Grove, Tom Stanton, Heather Boyer Recorder: Rieva Lester Heather Boyer discussed the benefits of using commissioner districts instead of creating subdistricts. Eric Eisenberg discussed the pros and cons of commissioner districts vs. subdistricts. Heather said everything has to be set and programmed in the state system and local registration system within two weeks. She noted that the hearing is scheduled for April 2. Commissioner Jackson asked what would happen if not enough individuals filed for the freeholder positions. The group said the procedure as presented outlines the steps for filling the vacant positions. He also expressed concerns regarding representation for the outlying areas. Eric discussed correspondence the BOCC has received regarding the proposed candidate procedures. Eric said the BOCC may want to consider lowering the filing fee if the board goes with subdistricts instead of commissioner districts. Heather noted that the filing fee is non-refundable. All three commissioners were in favor of lowering the filing fee to $50 if the board used subdistricts. Eric said subdistricts would only vote for one freeholder. He recommended allowing write-ins for subdistricts. The group discussed the potential of inadvertently dividing up protected classes while carving out the subdistrict lines. The group discussed the risk of lawsuits. Eric said he clarified the “by lot” language for tie-breakers. The commissioners said they did not want to allow write-ins. Eric said he would make the revisions. Meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m.