2018-04-02 Update with EDCUpdate with EDC April 2, 2018 1:17 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Lee Napier, Matt Matayoshi, Commissioner Fund (1:19 p.m.) Guest: Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester Matt Matayoshi said he is awaiting review of the application for the Highway 12 project. Rieva Lester told Matt that some corrections were needed for the .09 applications. She said the PA’s Office has not yet reviewed the applications. Commissioner Fund joined at 1:19 p.m. Matt said he has talked with Erik Martin. Matt said he is trying to move forward with a letter of map revision. Matt said an ice cream supplier has moved into the old Thurman’s building. Commissioner Stamper discussed exploring cross-laminated beams. He said he would speak with Lee Grose. Matt discussed vacancies on the PDA board. Lee Napier discussed possibly renegotiating the county’s lease with the PDA at the airport. Matt said he has asked whether the county wants .09 alternates. He said it ultimately is the commissioners’ decision. Commissioner Fund said the PA’s Office plans to weigh in on April 3. Commissioner Jackson left at 1:37 p.m. Matt said he is working with Winlock Mayor Don Bradshaw and Benaroya about Benaroya’s road construction on the Mickelsen Parkway. Matt said the Smart Tank event is planned for June. Matt said White Pass Scenic Byway has $2,500 leftover. Commissioner Fund said Winlock also has leftover funds. Matt said EDA called and said that because the area had a federally declared disaster last year, the region could qualify for funding. Matt said $6 million could be the benchmark, with 20 percent ($1.2 million) for matching. The commissioners suggested Matt talk with Erik Martin. Matt also discussed non-construction money available to help rebound from the coal mine’s closure. Meeting ended 1:55 p.m.