2018-04-04 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update April 4, 2018 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Lee Napier, Erik Martin, Sheila Gray, Julie Pirtle, Steve Wohld, Archie Smith, Becky Butler, and Danette York Guest: Susan DeLaire and Linda William Recorder: Candace Hallom Erik Martin discussed notice items regarding publication of 2017 County Forces, call for sealed bids for the material purchase of two precast concrete split box culvers, and call for sealed bids for the purchase of materials necessary to construct the Lincoln Creek Road Stockpile and Fill Site project. Erik also discussed the listing of bids and contractors selected for the 2018 Pulverization Project. Erik Martin stated David Fine will be at the wrap-up meeting on Monday, April 9, 2018 to discuss the resolution regarding necessary acquisition of addition right of way for North Fork Road Realignment project. Becky Butler spoke to the Interagency agreement between Lewis County and Riverside Fire Authority. Becky Butler discussed the hearing for the 1st Budget Amendment for Current Expense and Other funds. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move one (1) Presentation, three (3) Notice item, two (2) Consent items, three (3) Deliberation items, and one (1) Hearing to the Monday, April 9, 2018, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Stamper seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move the appointment of Derrick Wojcik-Damers to the Public Facilities District, to the Monday, April 9, 2018, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion Carried 3-0 Roundtable Sheila Gray introduced Julie Pirtle to the group. Julie is the new extension educator. Julie Pirtle discussed her background. Sheila stated her last day in office is Friday. Her formal separation with WSU is June 8th so she will be stopping into the office to sign paperwork. Commissioner Fund thanked Sheila for her service. Archie Smith stated the criminal history box on employee applications has been removed. Background checks can be done during the hiring. Criminal History cannot be considered during prescreening. Becky stated they are in the process of getting the budgets loaded into Munis. Danette York stated they are still fighting the flu in the Health Building. They have many personnel changes. Meja Handlen will be taking over the housing coordinator position. Danette said the immunization clinic will close on August 31st. Steve Wohld discussed training for new employees. Steve stated they spent 80 plus hours last week working on a cyberattacks. The new training room is done. Erik Martin stated they are recruiting for three administrative position. Public Works will also have two tech positions opening soon. Erik said the Secure Rural Schools funding was approved. Lee Napier stated she will be at the fire chiefs meeting tonight. Lee Napier discussed a few people who might be interested in sitting on the Planning Commission. Danette asked how the search is going for a Risk Manager. Archie stated we have conducted a few interviews. We might have a selection in the next few days. Commissioner Jackson discussed the Transportation Conference on Friday. Commissioner Fund stated the Senior Center Thrift Shop is now open. Meeting ended at 10:10 a.m.