2018-04-06 Transportation Improvement conference.1 Transportation Improvement Conference April 6, 2018 10:00 a.m. Present: Lewis County Commissioner Edna J. Fund, Commissioner Robert C. “Bobby” Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Pe Ell Mayor Lonnie Willey, Toledo Mayor Steve Dobosh, Napavine Mayor pro tem Jim Haslett, Winlock Council member Jodie Curtis, Centralia City Manager Rob Hill, Chehalis Mayor Dennis Dawes, Vader Mayor Ken Smith, Centralia Mayor Lee Coumbs, Randall Sasser Mayor of Mossyrock, Tamara Clevenger, Morton. Guests: Various members of the public and media Recorder: Candy Hallom Commissioner Jackson called the meeting to order. Ross Petersen and Jeannine Parker discussed the rules and procedures of today’s conference. Derrick Wojcik-Damers, GM, Twin Transit, presented a slide show. Commissioner Jackson read a letter from Jeff Saint Aubyn into the record. Dr. Robert Mohrbacher, Centralia College, spoke in support of a countywide transit. They have students in the East end that use Mountain transit. They have also heard from school districts looking at options for running start students to get to classes. Doug Hayden, Lewis County Mountain Hwy Transit, provided information on the history of the Lewis Mountain Hwy project. He spoke regarding the need to continue service in the east end. Mike Wood, City of Napavine, stated he is not in support of Countywide Transit. Kurtis Engle spoke to his lack of support for Twin Transit. He is proposing an alternative plan for ADA riders. He supplied a letter for the record. Chris Rall, Portland, discussed statistics regarding rural transit ridership. Bob Bozarth, Napavine, expressed his concern with this being a socialist project. Kayla Flint, Centralia, spoke in support of Countywide Transit. This will help those individuals who are not able to get driver’s licenses. Nikki Hitchens, ESD, stated this would be very helpful for those needing to get work. This will help some get off public assistance. Darren McGowan spoke in support of Twin Transit. He sees this as a great opportunity for Twin Transit to expand. He expressed his support for this project. 2 Danette York spoke of the need of the public to have a transit system available. People need to be able to get to appointments and jobs. Without transportation it will cost society more money. JP Anderson spoke in support of countywide Transit. Ron Averill, Centralia, spoke in support of Countywide Transit. Commissioner Jackson spoke about what transit will provide, and his hope of this helping drive the economy. He also made it clear that this is a sales tax and not a property tax. City of Centralia – Lee Coumbs stated this city is already part of Twin Transit. He has concerns with para transit due to the cost. He also has concerns regarding the transit center building. City of Vader- Ken Smith represented the support of the City Council on this project. City of Napavine, Shawn O’Neil, the general consensus in Napavine is that we have other priorities. Down the road this may change but at this time Napavine will be opting out. City of Toledo, Steve Dobosh the city of Toledo are all supportive of this. Commissioner Edna J. Fund spoke to how transit helped her mother. City of Mossyrock, Randall Sasser, Mayor stated the demographics change the farther east you go with who utilizes the transportation. If we take away their ability to improve their quality of life. City of Morton, Tammy Clevenger, said the City of Morton Council unanimously supports this project. Town of Pe Ell, Lonnie Willey, said he sees the benefits of this for the County. City of Chehalis, Dennis Dawes, stated he will work with whatever the group wants. There are concerns with how the service is right now. Dennis would also like to see the opt in as easy as possible. City of Winlock, Jodie Curtis, Council member, spoke in support of Countywide transportation. Commission Jackson made a motion to approve moving forward with Countywide Transit. Commissioner Fund seconded. Commissioner Stamper spoke in support and looks at this as an investment in our community. Commissioner Fund spoke in support of Countywide Transit. Motion carried 3-0 Mayor Steve Dobosh moved to hold the record of the hearing open, for a period of sixty days, for the purpose of allowing the City of Napavine to opt in. Mayor Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried 11-0-1 Meeting adjourned at 11:36 a.m.