2018-04-17 Update with the Lewis County SeniorsUpdate with the Lewis County Seniors April 17, 2018 10:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Doug Carey, Glenda Forga, Jim Henderson, Ron Averill, Fred Wilson, Barb Glenn, Liz Hicker, Kim Brossard, Joanne Cobbs, Linda Williams Guests: Jordan Naillon of The Chronicle, Jared Wenzelburger of The Chronicle Recorder: Rieva Lester Glenda Forga and Ron Averill reviewed the Lewis County Seniors’ budget. Glenda noted that diners have been increasing donations for lunches and that fuel costs are down. She said the board has worked hard to ensure the transition has been seamless for the seniors. Ron said enrichment is not yet where the Senior Transition Board wants it to be. Jim Henderson discussed possible plans for gambling. Glenda discussed possible plans for renting facilities out and allowing alcohol. She said the board isn’t looking at allowing hard liquor, rather it’s looking at beer and wine. She discussed training that would take place. Rieva Lester left at 10:44 a.m. Becky Butler took minutes in her absence. Glenda discussed building rentals. She mentioned there has been no change in the building rental fees but that the LCS Board will be looking at evaluating fees in the future. Ron discussed increasing building rental fees and the change in the liquor license. Once the change in liquor license is approved, he said, the LSC Board estimates there will be an increase in fundraising opportunities and an increase in opportunities in Morton and Packwood. Commissioner Stamper asked about Texas hold ’em tournaments. Ron said it would require a different permit. Jim mentioned he would like to see classes on how to play cards. Glenda mentioned the Lewis County Seniors would not serve hard alcohol, only beer and wine. Glenda said alcohol service will be geared toward fundraisers and events, not senior activities. Ron said the group would like to see the LSC board develop funding support levels and certificates for individual donors. He said the group would be working on it in the next year. Glenda told the commissioners she would have a table at the Washington State Employees conference planned for the end of May at the Great Wolf Lodge, giving exposure to the LCS and what they have to offer. Glenda mentioned she has received donations through area churches. Ron said he was disappointed that the LSC donation could not be listed on the United Way form, but he said he understands that United Way’s focus is reducing poverty. Linda Williams asked what the benefit was for collecting through the United Way vs. direct donation. Ron mentioned it was the convenience for donors to have direct payroll deductions. Elizabeth Hicker voiced concerns over requesting financial records from the director. She said she feels her concerns have not been addressed. She said she and other members of the Winlock Seniors have requested specifics related to the Winlock Center and have not been sent the information. The Winlock Board would like to see more transparency and timely responses from the Director, she said. Elizabeth said she wants to see demographics statistics on senior center usage based on population. Elizabeth stated it appears Winlock and Toledo are the top earners with donations and that the Twin Cities Senior Center, which has a much larger population, is under what she believes they should be contributing. Ron responded to Elizabeth’s complaints. He mentioned he had a meeting with the centers to go over these questions and that Winlock did not participate. Ron also stated that Winlock has not submitted its contribution yet this year. Ron stated he has concerns with the demographics requested due to the difference in each center and the level of services provided. Elizabeth said she feels that the composition of the LCS Board does not represent the needs and concerns of each center and requested to be appointed to the LSC Board. Glenda said she was more than welcome to fill out and application. Elizabeth also expressed concerns with the promotion of the alcohol and gambling at the senior centers. Commissioner Stamper said it sounds like they are working out some of the bugs with the transition. Ron stated they would be working on the breaking out the revenue and expenses by center. Kim Brossard discussed the LCS budget and said she has concerns that if the County does not contribute financially in 2019 they would not be able to maintain services. Ron discussed the different revenue lines they would be pursuing to make up the $100,000; however, they would be working with the county in the upcoming months to negotiate a future contribution as the County works on the 2019 budget. Glenda stated they are hopeful the gambling and thrift store profits will make up some of the difference. Kim asked when the fundraising events would start. Glenda stated they would be starting with the TCS and expanding to each site. Glenda stated the LSC is very new and is still working on procedures and processes. Glenda discussed the thrift store and said it has been doing great and they have been very busy. She mentioned they have received high-quality donations. Commissioner Fund asked about the need for storage for all the donations, and Glenda said it’s something they are working on. Glenda discussed the enrichment programs. She said there have been classes and activities added at the Winlock site and that Packwood had its first exercise class. Glenda stated Winlock’s nutrition program has increased significantly from 25-30 participants to 50-80 participants. The group discussed buildings and concerns over some maintenance issues. The group will work with Steve Walton and Doug Carey to work out the details. Elizabeth mentioned they have issues with the tile roof, bees and painting that need to be done. Good of the order- Fred Wilson mentioned they will be doing a coffee stop at the rest stop as a fundraiser and are looking for volunteers on May 12th and 13th. Meeting ended at 11:45 a.m.