2018-04-23 Update with Central ServicesUpdate with Central Services April 24, 2018 2:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Steve Walton, Commissioner Jackson (3:01 p.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Steve Walton gave the following updates: Family Support relocation to begin the first week of May. Prosecutor’s Office has asked about a designated breakroom for Family Support. He said it’s possible the HR or Weed microwaves and fridges could be used. He said it’s possible HR and Risk could move to the WSU space. Commissioner Fund asked if there might be a place at the fairgrounds to store some of the Master Gardeners items. Parts are arriving for the hearing room improvements. Chairs and tables still need to be ordered. Plans are still being drawn for the BOCC and Budget remodel. CFP has identified two necessary projects: the Law and Justice storage tank ($20,000) and the Law and Justice parking lot ($25,000). Commissioner Stamper made a motion to approve approximately $20,000 for the Law and Justice storage tank and approximately $25,000 for the Law and Justice parking lot. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Steve said the state owns 175 acres not far from the county’s Packwood property and that the state wants to know if the county might be interested in it (parcel No. 35145-63-4). He said the county would need to identify what rules and regulations are attached to the property. Commissioner Stamper said it would be in the county’s best interest to explore the idea. Commissioner Jackson joined at 3:01 p.m. Steve said his understanding is that if the county harvested timber from a park, the money could be used to make improvements in any of the county’s parks. Steve said work on the fair annexation continues. He said a legal description and certified Assessor’s map are still needed. Steve said Country Chicks, the spring garage sale and FloodFest are on the horizon. Steve discussed roof repairs needed at the fairgrounds. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Steve: Ask Tamara about place to house Master Gardener items. Steve: Look into state-owned Packwood property. Steve: Work to delete old FB comments. Steve said a recent E. coli outbreak prompted a mitigation meeting. He discussed using a foaming machine to treat the fair area in the event of an outbreak. He said hand-washing stations also could be provided. Steve said Tourism Week is May 6-12 and that a proclamation is in the works. Steve said Tamara is working with Twin Transit to trade fair tickets for on-the-bus advertising. He said she’s also working with the tribe to trade fair tickets for advertising on the tribe’s I-5 billboard. Commissioner Stamper left at 3:29 p.m. Steve said there may be a need to hire a temporary individual for a fair position left vacant due to a medical issue. Steve said the custodial crew also has someone out due to a medical issue. Steve said HR and payroll training is taking place during the week. Meeting ended at 3:35 p.m.