2018-04-24 CD Minutes AMY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\04 - April 2 - May 4\Week of April 23\2018-04-24 CD Minutes AM.docx Agenda for BOCC Update April 24 at 9:00am and 3:30pm1 Department: Community Development Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Eric Eisenberg (out 9:50), Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper Note Taker: Graham Gowing 9:00 – 4/24/18 Updates and Actions: 1. Eagle Cliff Permit Lee began by explaining where the Eagle Cliff Quarry is located. She informed the BoCC of the previous vs. current permitting process regarding mines. The mine owners conducted an H&H study, which was preliminarily reviewed by FEMA. In addition, DNR has issued an Order to Rectify Deficiencies. FEMA, Ecology, DNR and the County have been coordinating efforts for reviews. There are concerns over mining in the floodway. Commissioner Stamper visited the site “a couple months ago.” He said neighbors are complaining due to the mines hours of operation. Commissioner Stamper asked if the mine owner could potentially “fix” the floodway issues. A joint enforcement action plan is being explored between the Department of Ecology and Lewis County. Lee will request assistance from Ecology to review the H&H study. 2. Planning Division a. Planning Commission Lee informed the BoCC the Planning Commission is still one member short. Eric E. may know someone that is interested. He will reach out to that person. 3. Permit Center a. Adept – state mandated fees Lee informed the BoCC another state mandated fee will change effective July 1, 2018. The already adopted fee schedule will need to be amended. 4. Questions about DAHP Lee explained DAHP (Dept. of Archeological and Historical Preservation) pertaining to potential Archeological sites. Lee said there is very limited access to the maps provided by DAHP. Commissioner Stamper said he wants the citizens to be aware of DAHP. Lee responded by saying pre- submission conferences may be a good place to inform citizens. 5. Follow up from prior meetings a. Commissioner Stamper-communication with Donnie Steele. 1 Expectation is that items 1-7 will be covered during the 9am meeting. Item 7 to be discussed at 3:30pm Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\04 - April 2 - May 4\Week of April 23\2018-04-24 CD Minutes AM.docx Commissioner Stamper contacted Donnie Steele. There is no contract in place concerning the Cowlitz River bank erosion. 6. Process Improvement follow up Lee has been in contact with the process flow/improvement consultant, Impact Washington. Gordy, from Impact Washington, will be in town on Monday and plans to visit the Public Services building. Topics for next monthly update currently scheduled for May 8 2018 Actions to be requested: Input with possible action on item 1 and 6