2018-04-25 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update April 25, 2018 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Edna Fund, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Erik Martin, Director; Malcolm Bowie, Assistant County Engineer; Lara McRea, recorder Start 10:07 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Erik noted that the roads fund is receiving more property tax revenue each day as the first half of the taxes are due by April 30th. He also said the large projects this year include 3 culvert projects as well a 3R. Surplus Property-Charges for Legal Notices- Martin Roy has been working on a game plan for legal notices and Erik will bring the proposal to a future update with the board. New Employees- Meagan Veal is the new Office Assistant Senior and Karen Howsden is the .75 FTE Office Assistant. Laurie Fife starts May 1st as the .50 FTE Office Assistant in Solid Waste. Jason Slape who is an RMT III has taken a position outside of the county and his last day will be April 30th. 8th Annual Equipment Roadeo, Friday, May 18th- Discussion was held regarding food prep for the roadeo this year. Commissioner Jackson offered to help provide and cook the meat this year. Some of the food and beverages will need to be paid for by the roads fund and a memo authorizing the expense from the roads fund was provided to the board and Commissioner Fund initialed off on it. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- Discussed a potential design alternative that would remove the planter strip between the sidewalk and road to limit the amount of ROW needed. The strip would no longer be in the middle. The advantage is ROW would not need to be purchased. Currently SCJ is working with the county and City of Centralia to discuss the design element. Erik will provide a visual concept to the board and a public meeting will be planned for this summer. North Lewis County Industrial Access- Jack Niehuser is working on setting up a meeting with Peter Lamond from the Port of Centralia. WATV’s- The SEPA is in process and should take about 30-45 days. Discussion was held regarding the signage grant issue due to archeological requirements. Ted Jackson contacted WSDOT and they noted that the signage requirement only applies to capital improvement projects. So there would be no requirement for WATV signs. Road Standards- Erik noted that comments are being compiled and Public Works will meet with SCJ Alliance this Friday to review. He also said a code scrub may be required. Erik will get a draft document to the BOCC soon. The next step would be public outreach for feedback. Discussion was held regarding private roads. The estimated timeframe for adoption is June. MAINTENANCE Coal Creek Drive- Erik reviewed the engineering plans for the Coal Creek project with the board. Area 5 Shop Addition- Malcolm noted that David Fine sent a letter of demand yesterday to Prime Cut who is the contractor of the project. They will have 2 weeks to respond with a plan. The contractor has to be allowed a first chance to repair the issue. The HDR report was attached to the letter and it identified the shortfalls and noncompliance with the plans. Discussion was held regarding the mold issue. If the contractor does not comply or respond the next step is to go after the bond. If the bonding agent does not feel like Prime Cut did anything wrong then the county will fix the issue and sue the company. REAL ESTATE North Fork- Malcolm noted that the county is still in the process of acquiring properties but some homeowners are reluctant to negotiate one on one. Discussion was held regarding the Cgraggen property and they county is hoping they will come back to the table to negotiate terms. The county needs to acquire ROW from 24 properties. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates 3R (resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation)-  Jackson-This project is 3R and Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) grind inlay. The location is the intersection of Hwy 12 and Jackson. Public Works is coordinating with WSDOT due to the lights. They are planning to close this area for 1 day.  Paradise Estates-pulverization should begin in mid-June. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- Erik previously discussed this project with the board at the director’s update. Pumps- Erik said there is a pump at the river that needs to be replaced and the cost is around $15k. There is one pump that is currently working and 2 that don’t work. The pumps are around 30 years old. GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Stamper asked about the progress of the Swofford Pond project. Erik noted that he needs to justify the project to CRAB that it is a transportation facility. They need to justify how parking fits into the project. Discussion was held about citizens parking on Hwy 603, just of Hwy 6 hear the Willipa Trail. There is concern about the dangers of parking on the highway. Discussion was held regarding no parking zones on county roads. Jim Waldo will be attending the Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District meeting this afternoon. Discussion will be held regarding exclusion of the FRFA (large dam) from review. Discussed no spray agreements. Commissioner Jackson noted that Steve Walton is working with the state as they would like to give the county a park that is off of Skate Creek. Commissioner Stamper left the meeting 11:12 am. Meeting ended 11:17 am To do List  Call City of Vader to get on the councils’ agenda to discuss the construction of the Vader Water Reservoir.