2018-04-25 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update April 25, 2018 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Lee Napier, Bill Teitzel, Tawni Shepherd, Archie Smith, Steve Walton, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, JP Anderson, Steve Mansfield, Erik Martin Recorder: Rieva Lester Archie Smith discussed a resolution to appoint Steven Wayne Whiton as the Risk & Safety Administrator. Archie Smith discussed a resolution to authorize the initial placement of a casual Risk Administrator on the salary grid (13 Step “M” grid) for non-represented extra help. He noted that the resolution had mistakenly labeled it as a Human Resources Coordinator. Commissioner Jackson noted that the dates on the agenda were incorrect. Lee Napier discussed a resolution to approve an interlocal agreement between Lewis County and the City of Chehalis regarding regulation and coordination with the Chehalis Urban Growth Area. Lee said Chehalis passed their resolution April 23. Lee said the county also will pursue interlocals with Winlock and Napavine. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve a professional services contract between Lewis County and Lewis County Work Opportunities. JP noted that recording fees have increased. Bill Teitzel discussed a resolution to approve the W2RLSWFA agreement between Lewis County and the state Department of Ecology. Bill said the grant is the former CPG grant. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve project agreements and/or amendments between Lewis County and the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for four fish-passage restoration projects. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve an interlocal agreement between Lewis County and the Port of Chehalis regarding work by Public Works’ staff and authorizing signatures thereon. Erik said the port is getting funding for a culvert project and is hiring the county to do the work. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move two (2) Consent items seven (7) Deliberation items to the Monday, April 30, 2018, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Stamper seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Erik Martin said he will bring two late-add resolutions before the board. Archie Smith discussed the possibly of 911 and the sheriff’s deputy groups moving to PEBB. Commissioner Jackson noted that he would be meeting with Jon Kaino later in the day. Steve Walton discussed the farm guide. Becky Butler noted that budget worksheets will look a little different as the new Munis finance system rolls out. Tawni Shepherd said the Morgan fair claim has been settled for $1.8 million, of which the carriage company is paying $925,000. She said the county’s deductible is $100,000. Steve Wohld said IT continues its work on cybersecurity. He discussed the need to coordinate with Public Works. JP Anderson gave an update on the closure of the immunization clinic. He discussed grants available to cover collection and disposal of medications. Erik Martin said Vader water has a $300,000 cash-flow loan. He said Public Works has hired two employees. Commissioner Fund invited the group to a flood insurance meeting planned for April 26. Meeting ended at 9:47 a.m.