2018-05-02 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\04 - April 2 - May 4\Week of April 30\2018-05-02 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update May 2 at 2:00pm Department: Community Development Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Follow up from April 24th “Strategic Planning” meeting a. Fill and Grade Permits Lee clarified this particular discussion mainly references driveways. She explained what a master site plan is and the intent of encouraging customers to provide a detailed master site plan early in the project. Community Development proposed associating grading for driveways with building permits. The grading permit would be eliminated for non-commercial projects associated with a building. She did indicate the RCW does allow for the SEPA threshold to be increased to 1000 cubic yards, but this could potentially put more regulations on building codes. Lee recommended to keep the current SEPA threshold at 500 cubic yards. The BoCC would like to proceed with the grading proposal and also agrees with leaving the SEPA threshold at its current level (500 cubic yards). b. Park Models Representatives from Community Development and Environmental Health visited Ron Hinkley at his RV park. Lee said she is comfortable with not requiring a placement permit for the RVs in this approved RV park. Commissioner Stamper would like to establish a code to encourage well maintained RV parks and not allow those parks to become decrepit. c. Constituent follow-up Lee has been conducting outreach. d. Office of the Chehalis Basin-land use CD staff time will be dedicated to the project. e. Counter expediter f. Online Applications g. Bottlenecks that impair process h. Staff Recommendations i. Impact Washington follow-up Items e – i were addressed concurrently with each other. Lee met with Impact Washington, who suggested getting metrics that can be utilized to help determine efficiencies and challenges in Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\04 - April 2 - May 4\Week of April 30\2018-05-02 CD Minutes.docx the application process (from intake to issuance). Metrics will allow staff to determine where bottlenecks may be in that process. CD met with Adept, the permit processing software vendor. Portions of the software were discussed to help expedite the permit process. There is a customer portal available, which CD will gather more information on. This could allow customers to view the status of their permit online and possibly apply online in the future. 2. Road Naming Commissioner Jackson asked if renaming roads is a possibility. Lee confirmed it is, but road names need to be changed through a petition process. Lee will work with David Fine for a response to a citizen concerning road naming. 3. Public Comments 4. Code Concerns 5. Follow up from prior meetings Topics for next monthly update currently scheduled for May 8 2018 Actions to be requested: Input with possible action on item