2018-05-07 PHSS Minutes BOCC 5-18 (2) BOCC Update Minutes May 7, 2018 Start Time: 2:00 pm End Time: 3:35 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Commissioner Jackson JP Anderson Recorder: Sandi Andrus BUDGET Danette reported that a press release went out to the public informing them that the clinic would be closing permanently in August. Danette reported that the weekend of the Youth Spring Fair Meredith walked into the health building and found a homeless man hanging out in the stairwell. There was evidence that he had been there a while smoking. Meredith called Bill Teitzel who told her to call the police. When the police arrived, the man was gone but they later found him. We do not know at this time if the police charged him with trespassing. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • Update on Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) Advisory Board – Danette/JP Discussion: The Board discussed a possible needle exchange in the County. JP will arrange for a meeting with Dr. Wood and key state people to share thoughts regarding this possibility. Danette added that she provided the board an overview of the Consolidated Contract. NEW ISSUES • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: #1 – Deck, Leilani, US Hwy 12, Mossyrock – Ms. Leilani contacted PHSS and Smokey told her he would have to go to the property to verify that she has completed items she stated. #2 – Crowell, Patricia – 275 Coulson Rd., Chehalis – Bill wrote a citation and this case is now finished. Bill wrote a follow-up letter for District Court which will assist in the mitigation. #3 – Fire Mountain Farms/Emerald Kalama Chemicals – This has gone to the EPA and they may deregulate the material held in lagoons and bunkers throughout the Count as a dangerous waste area. Cannot use the waste on property. Bill spoke to Steve Skinner about potential future disposal options if it were to be listed as a solid waste. Commissioner Jackson arrived at 2:22 #4 – Multiple location complaints, Front St., Mineral – Bill has received a lot of complaints about items that we have no authority over and he has informed the citizens that there are some things we do not have jurisdiction over. #5 – Munoz, Leo – 583 N. Military Rd., Winlock – This property had tire recyclers in the 1980’s and 1990’s and they removed 10 million tires! The complainant lives next door and has built his house since the site has been cleaned up. Over the years some tire chips have resurfaced and the neighbor believes the chips will catch on fire. Bill is working with DOE to get documentation that the case is closed and the tire chips don’t pose a problem. #6 – Harding, Mary (deceased) – Mason, Paul (occupant) - 1700 Ferrier Rd., Winlock- Bill met with Eric Eisenberg this morning. They decided to cite Mr. Mason for growth management and having apartments in RDD 5 zone. If Mr. Mason contests, that will push it out another six weeks. • On-site sewage (septic) caseload of Michael Hamling – Danette/Bill Discussion: Building permits are up which means septic permits are also up. Currently, Mike Hamling is our only septic person; there used to be three people doing his job. He is handling the heavy workload as he knows his job and the installers very well. When Mike retires, we will not have anyone who knows this job. Our staff FTE needs to increase. Bill provided statistics and we had 15 approved septic systems in March, 57 in April and have 12-14 so far this month. Commissioner Stamper asked how often there is a failed system and what the process is. A failed system is common. The owner applies for a repair and a design installer repairs it. Currently, new repair permits are automatically sent to planning for review which takes an extra six weeks. Commissioner Stamper wanted to know how to fast track this process. Danette stated it would flow easier and quicker if we had our own permit technician. Since we use the Community Development permit technicians, they take 30% of every permit fee. Commissioner Jackson remarked that it seemed to be better if the customer went to one place, such as the PHSS to get all their requirements completed. If the permit is for an existing house, they do not need to go to planning and take extra time for approval. Bill stated it would be nice to have an extra person who could fill in for both water and septic needs. We need to get someone to help cover the increased work load and this person could also serve as a backup for the two staff people in septic and water. There needs to be a different interpretation of review for septic systems. We want to incentivize people to come to PH with a request for repair when their systems are failing and not wait. This would be better for the customer. We may need to change the code so it does not require a planning review if it is unnecessary. Most people complain more about the time it takes than the fee they pay. Commissioner Fund suggested this discussion continue with CD in attendance. • Animal Shelter Adoptions (Requested by Commissioner Stamper) – Danette Discussion: At the April BOH, Commissioner Stamper asked to discuss this at the next BOCC Update. Danette reported that they are looking at adoption processes. Danette explained Ms. Ferrano’s case where she thought the neighbor was going to steal her cat. Her cats ended up at the shelter and adopted out. Eric Eisenberg talked to her for an hour or so. • Secure Medication Return draft code – Danette/JP Discussion: JP gave an update on the Opioid taskforce. Drug companies have been deemed to pay for medication disposal by 2020. We have 8-9 dropboxes in the County currently but they are maintained by county agencies. PHSS drafted and ordinance to add to the Lewis County Code. Drug producers and wholesalers contract with a third party to submit plans and implement the program in counties who have their own ordinance. The entire state will have to comply with the law beginning in 2020. This 3rd party contractor will write the plan and implement it so there will be more dropboxes to include pharmacies. Our staff will have to review the plan and enforce it. There will be fees in place to cover the costs of staff time. However, we need a County Code in place by June 6 or we have to wait for the State to follow their plan. Four people and Eric have reviewed the Code and are fine with it. This will come forward to the BOCC soon. • Cispus Learning Center/Teen Center for Morton – Danette/JP Discussion: A discussion was held about Americorps making changes and how that affects the Cispus Learning Center. The funding we provided Cispus was to support Americorps workers but it sounds like Cispus will no longer support or use Americorps. The teen center is now doing a lot of what Cispus did but they do not support or use Americorps either. It was felt the $12,000 should be used for academic support. Roger Morningstar, Morton Chief of Police, sent Danette an email but she hasn’t replied yet because a decision has not yet been made. In the past, an invoice was submitted to the County then the funds were paid to Cispus for the previous year. Decision: Have further discussion on this. Gary will talk to Roger Morningstar and the White Pass superintendent. • Bus Passes – Danette/JP Discussion: JP passed out samples of the bus pass/resource cards to the Commissioners to review. Providers and downtown businesses will hand out the resource cards. 2163 Housing and Millage dollars will pay for the passes. We will track them to see what agencies are using them. The cost to us will be $1.00 per pass for the whole day, the normal cost of an all-day bus pass is $2. The yellow tab would be given to the bus driver who would give them their pass. Decision: JP will bring this to the Centralia City Council tomorrow night at 7:00. Maybe someone from the association would go with him. BOH ISSUES Review Board of Health agenda for May 14, 2018 o H. Res #051418.1 Approve Amendment #2 to the Consolidated Contract between Lewis County and WA State Department of Health. This is the second amendment. o Risk Assessment for Public Health power point will be presented by Dr. Wood. Commissioner Jackson made a Motion to move Health Resolution #051418.1 to approve Amendment #2 to the Consolidated Contract forward to the May BOH meeting on Monday, May 14. Commissioner Stamper Seconded. Motion approved 3-0. GOOD OF THE ORDER • CAC – JP Discussion: JP reported that Meja Handlen, Housing Program Coordinator, is meeting with CAC to see how they process Coordinated Entry and the HEN program for other counties. JP left at 3:13 • SW Clean Air – Commissioner Jackson/Bill Discussion: Bill has a connection with SW Clean Air. Commissioner Jackson stated they raised our rates about $10,000 as well as all the cities in the Region. Now they are talking about giving their staff COLA’s again and a raise for the Executive Director. Commissioner Jackson voted against the raises. Bill added they charge for permits that have nothing to do with having any work done. Commissioner Stamper left at 3:20. Commissioner Jackson and Bill Teitzel left at 3:23. Commissioner Stamper returned at 3:23. • Vader’s May Day Pancake Breakfast – Danette Discussion: Vader’s Pancake breakfast did not earn any money after paying the $60 fee charged from the County. Decision: Danette will call Vader. • Update on Feeding of Homeless with food prepared by Open Arms – Danette Discussion: Danette reported she was on the KOMO News about Open Arms feeding the homeless and gave a short update on that. Commissioner Fund complimented JP and the Social Services staff. She suggested Danette put them in for “Above and Beyond” for their work on the bus passes. • Employment for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities – Danette Discussion: Commissioner Fund brought up employment for DD program. Danette reported the group-supported employment for Reliable is ending. The State is beginning to be very strict as to how long someone can be under group-supported employment. Reliable has expanded a lot into other areas and this is now just a small piece of their work.