2018-05-08 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\05 - May 7 - June 1\Week of May 7\2018-05-08 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update May 8, 2018 at 9:00am Department: Community Development Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Eric Eisenberg (out 9:20), Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper (in 9:05) Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Follow up from prior meetings a. Eagle Cliff mine The mine is approved by DNR for operation. The approval does not allow the mine to extend into the floodway. Commissioner Stamper would like Lewis County and the mine owner to meet with DNR and Ecology to discuss issues. Lee indicated Lewis County can potentially issue a flood development permit if the proper channels are used. b. Road Renaming-present draft letter Signed by the Board 2. Permit Center a. Monthly report Graham presented the monthly permit report. The number of permits issued and revenue received have increased compared to this point of last year. 3. Planning Division a. CAO –upcoming public hearing Lee indicated the environmental scoping of the Skookumchuck Wind Energy Project will include a meeting in Lewis County this week on May 9. 4. Building Division No discussion 5. Airport a. Airport Manager Community Development feels one month of “overlap” would be beneficial for succession. The BoCC agreed to move forward and notice the position. b. Construction update Graham indicated the commencement of construction is waiting for the FAA to approve a final design change. Once proper approval is Lee will contact the PA’s Office regarding leases/options @ Packwood Airport. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\05 - May 7 - June 1\Week of May 7\2018-05-08 CD Minutes.docx granted, the Notice to Proceed to the contractor(s) will be issued and construction work will begin. c. Use of the facilities i. Leases There are aircraft and parts in the Packwood Airport hangar. Lewis County has attempted to contact the owners. Lee indicated a potential lease with the owner(s) who are responsive may be drafted. Lee will work with Ross Petersen to discuss options for unresponsive owner(s). ii. Community requests A request for a fly-in at Packwood Airport has been made. 6. Process Improvement Lee met with the representative from Impact WA. BoCC approved working with Impact WA. Community Development will begin using a “tracking sheet” with applications for about two weeks in order to be able to quantify the application routing process. 7. Public Comments None 8. Code Concerns None Lee requested bimonthly updates rather than monthly updates with the BoCC. BoCC agreed to two Community Development updates per month. Topics for next monthly update possible scheduled for May 22, 2018 Actions to be requested: Input with possible action on item