2018-05-08 Update with Central ServicesUpdate with Central Services May 8, 2018 2:33 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Walton, Doug Carey, Commissioner Stamper (2:35 p.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Steve Walton said Family Support’s move has been completed. He said the audio and video improvements are underway in the hearing room. Doug Carey said Facilities is working on improvements to the old credit union building. He said Facilities plans to move WSU in June. Steve and Doug said Facilities has been alerted to a problem in a jail shower linked to failed paint. Steve said the Capital Facilities Planning committee has suggested allowing the purchase of a new commercial push lawnmower for Juvenile, which would be paid through Fund 301. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve of the purchase of a push lawnmower for Juvenile, not to exceed $1,000, out of Fund 301. Commissioner Stamper seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. The group discussed a news story announcing a state grant the county has been awarded. They noted that the county would have to come up with matching funds. Doug said the CFP is looking to replace a failing Juvenile portable. He estimated the replacement will cost roughly $68,000. Steve said Martin Roy is working on an estimate for the certified Assessor’s map for the annexation project. Steve said the spring garage sale is planned for the fairgrounds over the weekend. Steve said a fair employee is still out for health reasons. Doug gave an update on two employees out for health reasons. Doug said the county is having a hard time attracting applicants for the vacant seasonal park aide positions. For succession planning purposes, Doug proposed hiring an accounting specialist to replace Katie Weichel when she departs. He and Steve said it would be an increase of one pay grade. Steve noted that sharing the former fiscal employee with IT is proving difficult due to the amount of work required. Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Stamper approved recruiting an accounting specialist at grade 17 to replace Katie Weichel. Commissioner Jackson left at 3:21 p.m. Steve said HR / payroll training is taking place. Commissioner Jackson returned at 3:26 p.m. Meeting ended at 3:26 p.m.