2018-05-09 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update May 9, 2018 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Edna Fund, (Conference phone), Commissioner Gary Stamper, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Wayne Witon, Risk & Safety Administrator; Lara McRea, recorder Start 10:03 am ADMINISTRATION Solid Waste- Wayne informed the board that an industrial hygienist from L&I was at the Solid Waste Transfer Station recently to conduct air quality tests in the Hazo Hut due to an anonymous employee complaint. Wayne will be meeting again with L&I next week for further discussions. Erik noted that Public Works is looking into how to retrofit the ventilation system and also a new facility for the future. Wayne left the meeting at 10:13 am Budget- The roads fund will be receiving Secure Rural Schools (SRS) money in the next few weeks. Further discussion was held regarding the use of SRS money on Forest Service roads. The board would like $100k added to the 2019 budget as a placeholder for special projects on Forest Service roads. Lara reported that roads current cash balance is $4.6 million. Surplus Property-Charges for Legal Notices- Erik presented a fee schedule analysis created by Martin Roy. The analysis shows how both low and moderately priced parcels will be affected by different calculation methods for the fees associated with their disposal. The scenarios include a small flat fee and a percentage of the parcel cost. The goal is to make it easier on the buyer. Erik will be looking for a recommendation from the board. Frequency of Public Works Updates- The board and Public Works made the decision the hold Public Works updates only once a month. If additional meetings are needed they will be scheduled accordingly. Funding for feasibility & scoping document for a future Comp Flood Hazard Mgmt. Planning Effort (CFHMP)- Erik noted that a feasibility and scoping document for a future CFHMP was discussed at the last Chehalis River Basin FCZD meeting. This document would identify capital projects such as the proposed dam. The work on the scoping document would need to be outsourced. Erik noted the Flood Authority will help fund this effort but RCO will not provide upfront funding. The Chehalis River Basin FCZD currently has no cash balance and the cost of the project is $10k. Erik noted the money would not be spent all at once but $5-10k would get things started. The district would prefer a grant but would certainly look at a loan. A meeting will be set with Becky Butler to further discuss the options. 8th Annual Equipment Roadeo, Friday, May 18th- Discussion was held regarding the food prep for the roadeo. Ian Hilligoss Promotion- Erik noted that Ian Hilligoss has been an apprentice mechanic for two years and is now eligible to be promoted to a Mechanic Journeyman II. The board noted they are in support of the promotion. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- Tim noted that SCJ Alliance is sticking with the first model that was originally presented which has 3-4 ft. between the sidewalk and the road. Commissioner Jackson left meeting at 10:33 am Public meetings will be held this summer to discuss the project with citizens. North Lewis County Industrial Access- Erik recently met with Commissioner Peter Lahmann from the Port of Centralia and Thera Black from SCJ Alliance. He said that Peter would like to be more involved in the stakeholders group. WATV’s- The WATV hearing scheduled for June 4th will be noticed on Monday, May 14th. Discussion was held regarding signage. Road Standards- No discussion. MAINTENANCE Coal Creek Drive- The project has 90% plans and is going out to bid in two weeks. There is a meeting scheduled with the home owners association on Saturday, May 19th. Discussion was held regarding right of way acquisitions. Area 5 Shop Addition- Tim gave a brief update on the Area 5 addition project. No Spray Agreements- Erik discussed no spray agreements and why they are issued to citizens. He also noted that the area supervisors would like to see the following specific criteria for the agreements. 1. If a citizen is legally registered with state due to a health sensitivity, then Public Works will waive the fee and maintain the ROW. Currently there are only 2 people legally registered. 2. If a citizen has an existing well within 100 ft. of road, then Public Works will waive the fee. 3. Organic Farmers-they need to be registered with the state or are in the application process. Certification is necessary through the state. If a citizen provides an application and they are in the process of registering with the state as an organic farm then the county will grant a no spray agreement. Public Works will provide the signs but the citizen will need to maintain the sign. Commissioner Fund suggested that Public Works speak to the Lewis County Farm Bureau. REAL ESTATE North Fork- Erik gave a brief update on the project. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates 3R (resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation)-  Jackson-the project will go out to bid in 3 weeks.  Paradise Estates-Pulverizing will start in mid-June. Paving and BST will start the week after the 4th. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- Erik reported that there is a shortfall in funding on the reservoir project. He feels the consultant did not provide a good cost estimate. He has been in touch with Murray Smith and has asked them to help find funding for the shortfall. One of the contributing factors is that the price of steel is up due to tariffs. USDA will provide funding but in loan form only. Erik noted that the project may not be done this year as it could take 3-4 months to get steel. The reservoir would need to be painted in the summer so rust issues will not occur. The bids may be rejected and the department will go out to bid next year when more funding is secured. The project is not essential for public health. Erik noted that reps will attend a Vader City Council meeting to explain the situation. Pumps- Erik discussed the issues with the river pumps and asked if there may be any assistance available through the legislature for funding. GOOD OF THE ORDER Senior Engineer position- Public Works currently has a Senior Engineer position and wishes to downgrade the positon a step or two to an Engineer in Training position. The needs of the department can be handled with this lower positon. Archie has sent the proposed job description to Matt Weatherly for scoring. Real Estate Services for other departments- Erik discussed the negotiation for Energy NW surge tank lease. Erik asked the board if they would like the Real Estate department to handle the negotiations or let the department handle them. Commission Stamper noted this will need further discussion. Park at Skate Creek-Property at Bridge- Discussion was held regarding a grant that is available to design a parking lot, trail and vault toilet on the property near the Skate Creek Bridge. The grant requires a 50% match so the county will need to find approximately $184k in order to move forward with the project. A decision needs to be made whether to accept the grant or decline it. Erik noted the CFP committee made the recommendation to sell the property and not go forward with the park. There would be ongoing maintenance involved if the project was developed. Erik will bring up at CFP meeting on the 17th. Erik will ask Doug to put on the agenda and Commissioner Stamper noted he will attend the meeting. Commissioner Stamper noted he would speak to the Packwood Business Owners group on this Friday, then CFP committee next week. The topic will also be discussed at the wrap up on Monday, May 14th. Permit Center Services- Brief discussion was held regarding the services in the permit center. Erik said he has a meeting soon with Danette and Lee to discuss the issue. Meeting ended 11:12 a.m. To do List  Speak to Rieva about moving the PW update to once a month  Speak to Farm Bureau about no spray agreements. Meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of each month at Spiffy’ s. Meeting time is 6:30 pm.