2018-05-14 Meeting with Gary Fredricks - WSUMeeting with Gary Fredricks, WSU May 14, 2018 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Gary Fredricks, Becky Butler, Doug Carey, Steve Walton Recorder: Rieva Lester Gary Fredricks said he is awaiting the announcement from WSU indicating he is going to split duties between Lewis County and Cowlitz County. He said Sheila Gray’s resignation is effective June 6. Gary said he has been with WSU for 33 years, the last 10 with Cowlitz County, where he oversees the Master Gardener program. He said he has served two counties at once before. Gary said WSU has asked him to serve the two counties – Lewis and Cowlitz County – for one year. Gary said he wants to know the BOCC’s expectations. Commissioner Fund said she has heard there’s a “menu” of sorts of things WSU can address, such as STEM, etc. Gary said he would return May 23 with a list of things that can be incorporated in addition to the Master Gardener and 4-H programs, which he noted are strong programs in Lewis County. Gary said he also can reach out to the Farm Bureau. Steve Walton said the plan is to move WSU Extension to the James Building. Doug Carey said items currently being stored on county premises may need to be removed due to space constraints. Commissioner Fund discussed the upcoming plant sale at the fairgrounds. She and Doug discussed moving some of the 4-H stuff to the fairgrounds. Doug said WSU would be in charge of packing up the office. The group clarified that IT would move the computers. Doug said he’ll start collecting boxes. Gary said he would ask staff to begin purging. Gary said his plan is to spend two days a week in Lewis County, two days a week in Cowlitz County and then float the fifth day. Commissioner Jackson suggested Gary coordinate with Tamara Hayes and Matt Matayoshi. Commissioner Stamper suggested he also reach out to Melanie Case. Becky Butler asked if the county would need a revised Memorandum of Understanding since Lewis County would be paying for a part-time director instead of a full-time director. Gary said he would ask WSU Extension and report back the following week. Gary said he likely would be in Lewis County on Mondays and Wednesdays. Gary said he will retrieve keys and key cards on May 15. He said he planned to meet with Sheila Gray on May 15. Gary discussed Cowlitz County’s Fair, which he said doesn’t charge admission. Meeting ended at 11:28 a.m.