2018-05-15 HR Update Notes tel: 360.740.1408 | fax: 360.740.1494 Mickiel “Archie” Smith, MSW, SPHR Daleyn Coleman, CLRP HR Administrator HR Generalist HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Personnel | Labor Relations | FMLA | ADA | EEO Commissioners Update: May 15, 2018 Attendance: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Daleyn Coleman, Archie Smith Reporter: Archie Smith Start Time: 0900 End Time: 1000 Budget • Casual grid – Discussed if we increase casual pay to keep pace with recruitment issues and minimum wage. HR will work with Coroner to review the issues. Administrative • I will be out May 28th-June 1. • Risk management training & coaching: BOCC approved to bring Paulette up for a week to work with Wayne in accordance with her hire letter. BOCC requested a summary from Risk of the activities that will be focused on during this time. Benefits Employment Situations Union Business: Confidential discussion. • 911 update • Op’s Guild update • Spanski rule. • Janis vs AFSCME Policy • Hiring under the age of 18: HR will review the Discovery program and evaluate their process and present to the BOCC. • Dogs: No discussion Training • AWC drug & alcohol supervisor awareness training: HR has looked at developing our own class. Due to the complexity of this, outsourcing using AWC may be a better process at this time. To conduct an AWC class is $600. We can also send our employees to, which we have done, for $25 per person. HR will evaluate the training need and implement the appropriate action. Lewis County Historic Courthouse Page 2 of 2 Classification/Recruitment • Casual employments – Coroner’s office – increase hourly rate: HR will call Coroner’s Office and see status of financial numbers. • County Manager recruitment review: have scheduled interviews for the 29th and the open house meet and great for the 23rd, from 6-8 PM at the BOCC office. A press release will be developed between HR and the Clerk of the Board for review by BOCC and then sent out. Other • HR Matrix – no discussion