2018-05-22 BOCC Weed update minutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners UPDATE –Minutes- WSSU and Weed Control Date: May 22, 2018 Start Time: 10:30 AM Present Commissioners: Edna Fund, Gary Stamper, Bobby Jackson Others: Rieva Lester Reporter: Bill Wamsley and Gary Fredricks Topics Actions 1. Budget – 2019 Weed Control, preliminary. Follow-up discussion Land Classification, assessment. Informational Discussed set up of meeting with the Treasurers & Assessors office to plan a process of applying an assessment across parcels 2. Landowner contacts regarding noxious weed control. Informational Contact with multiple landowners and agencies re: noxious weeds and assistance regarding control. 3. Education programs: Pesticide Container Recycle Event, Citizen Scientist –Invasive Species identification program, Randle. Informational 4. Update from WSU, Gary Fredricks. Review of Action plan by program for WSU Lewis County. Reviewed pending business for WSU Office for the remaining year and Gary’s preliminary schedule for his time at the Lewis Co. Office. Informational Handouts: