2018-05-22 CD Minutes AMY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\05 - May 7 - June 1\Week of May 21\2018-05-22 CD Minutes AM.docx Agenda for BOCC Update May 22, 2018 at 9:00am Department: Community Development Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Fred Evander, Ross Peterson (in 9:49), Steve Walton (in 9:30) and Doug Carey (in 9:30), Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper (in 9:05) Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Follow up from prior meetings a. Eagle Cliff mine No comments 2. Airport a. Facilities i. Leased Hangars-South County Open T-hangars’ conditions are of concern. Doug presented pictures he took of the open T-hangars. Commissioner Stamper would like to involve the Airport Advisory Board in the discussion about possible solutions. Ross asked the Board to clarify if a letter should be sent prior to the Airport Advisory Board meeting. The Board indicated one should be sent. ii. Packwood Hangar and ground Community Development is working with the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office on lease agreements. b. Airport Manager The PAF has been signed by Lee and forwarded to HR. c. Construction update The project is waiting on approval from the FAA concerning a slight electrical design change. Once approval is granted, the Notice to Proceed will be issued to contactors. 3. Permit Center- a. Monthly report- no report b. Impact WA-Process Improvement Report Out Community Development has scheduled a meeting with the process improvement team, which includes employees and citizens, to share accomplishments, lessons, and upcoming strategies regarding the permitting process. 4. Planning Division a. CAO –upcoming public hearing The hearing has been set. 5. Building Division Lee will contact Centralia and Chehalis about Comcast franchise agreements Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\05 - May 7 - June 1\Week of May 21\2018-05-22 CD Minutes AM.docx a. Discuss and directions regarding LCC 15.15 Community Development will be looking at a possible code change with Public Works concerning setback requirements. The BoCC would like to proceed with discussions. 6. Cable TV Franchise renewal Comcast’s franchise agreement is up for renewal. Lee will contact Centralia and Chehalis to inquire about each municipality’s agreement. 7. Public Comments None 8. Code Concerns None Topics for next monthly update possible scheduled for June 12th Actions to be requested: Input with possible action on items 1, 2,5 and 6