2018-05-22 CD Minutes PMProcess Improvement Report out May 22, 2018 1:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper (arrived 1:20pm), Commissioner Jackson (departed 3:00pm), Becky Rieger, Greg Lund, Lewlie Myers, Lorie Spogan, Mark Spogan, Lynette Arhutick, Matt Matayoshi, Sabrina Kostick, Vickie Humphrey, Ralph Hubbert, Brianna Tietzel, Danette York, Erik Martin, Alene Steward, Doyle Sanford, Graham Gowing, Jack Niehuser, Betsy Dillon, Karen Howsden and Gordy Anderson. Recorder: Lee Napier Lee opened the work session with comments about this Process Improvement work session, She introduced Gordy Anderson, Impact Washington. Lee reminded the group that the Lewis County Process Improvement journey began in the fall of 2016. At that time, working with Gordy Anderson, we started to examine our permitting process – the current state - with an eye on efficiencies and improvements for our future state. The outcome of that work led to many process improvement ideas. The purpose of today’s work session was to bring you up to speed on the status of process improvement as well as discuss what continuous process improvement looks like in the future state. Gordy Anderson took the group through a report out that included a Power Point Presentation. After group interaction, the report out concluded with a discussion about the next major initiatives. The group discussed and supported the following known as “Five Major Initiatives.” • Complete process analysis to more accurately characterize process (at the activity level) • Implement web-based status checking to significantly reduce unnecessary telephone interruptions to permit flow • Complete the transition to fully digital processing through Adept • Move to more linear process flow design, beginning with master site plan review • More fully integrate Public Health and Public Works into process flow Report Out adjourned at 4:15 p.m.