2018-06-01 Mayors Meeting
Mayors’ Meeting
June 1, 2018
Start time – 9:00 a.m.
Attendees: See sign in sheet
Recorder: Rachel Hunt
Cybersecurity presentation- Steve Wohld IT Director, provided a handout (attached). Steve mentioned
the issues the City of Atlanta is having with ransomware. He continued by outlining other various
security threats. Steve discussed how Lewis County is reallocating security services to counteract the
current attacks and will continue to do so moving forward for future attacks. He continued to outline
new policies which will be implemented.
Randy Mueller asked about the County’s current procedure on scanning computers for viruses.
Commissioner Fund briefly mentioned several personal experiences which happened to her recently.
The group discussed personal insurance for identity protection.
Steve discussed the importance of complex passwords for network security.
Commissioner Fund announced the CERB workshop which will be on June 21st at 1:00 p.m.
WSDOT-Chamber Way update, striping of the exit only lane will begin June 25th. Harrison Bridge will be
having construction in August. Gave an update on the beginning of the Rush Rd. project. Have had two
stakeholder meetings – next meeting will be July 10th.
Morgan Large, Jaime Herrera Beutler’s Office, preparing appropriations for 2019. $268,000 marked for
Chehalis Basin fishery programs added back in for 2019. National Oceans and Coastal fund also had 30
million dollars added in the form of a grant.
Randy Mueller, Port of Chehalis, mentioned the Port of Chehalis being a stakeholder in the WSDOT
Rush Rd. project and continued to discuss how DOT has been great to work with. He also added input on
the projects currently being implemented in the Chehalis Port District. Randy discussed the current
issues with flooding within the port.
Mayor Mortensen, Morton, City has a contract for a new water tower. The mayor discussed park
development and the addition of a visitor center/ DLC kiosk. Logger’s Jubilee is in the planning stage.
(Silvers in Riffe Lake) Additionally mentioned a personal conversation with CenturyLink about
connectivity issues in Morton.
Mayor Dobosh, Toledo, gave an update on the projects being implemented with grant funds. School
bond will be on the ballot in the November. He also outlined the events happening during Cheese Days.
Peter Lahmann, Port of Centralia, Centralia Station project is progressing. He also mentioned Historical
Society events throughout the summer.
Mayor Smith, Vader, discussed the May Day parade success. Invited everyone to come to Vader for the
4th of July events. Currently repaving the downtown area. Will have a ribbon-cutting for the Castle Rock
preschool located in Vader.
Mayor Bradshaw, Winlock, citywide cleanup week will be starting tomorrow (June 2nd). The mayor also
outlined several projects occurring in Winlock.
Rob Hill, Centralia City Manager, discussed Centralia Station and the Centralia school bond. Rob Hill
gave an update of the Fox Theater.
Dolores Lee, Pe Ell representative, annual spring clean-up will be June 16th. Briefly discussed 4th of July
events which will occur in the town. Farmers Market is up and running for the season.
Mayor Coumbs, Centralia, Centralia Council allocated 1 million dollars to the Fox Theater. He discussed
his reasoning is the influx of people using the Sports HUB Centralia is seeing a massive increase in the
hotel tax and they believe this will carry over to the use of the Fox Theater once it is completed. August
11th will be the unveiling of the George Washington statue.
Commissioner Fund discussed an email sent from Dena Horton- Senator Cantwell’s office.
Commissioner Fund announced the Commission has offered Erik Martin the County Manager position.
Jill Anderson, Chehalis City Manager, Chehalis Farmers Market on Fridays from 4-7 p.m. Chehalis Fest
July 28th. City of Chehalis is hiring for summer jobs. She continued by outlining events throughout the
summer in Chehalis. Paving will begin June 13th and 14th on Market St.
Meeting ended at 10:23 a.m.