2018-06-12 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\06 - June 4-29\Week of June 11\2018-06-12 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update June 12, 2018 at 9:00am Department: Community Development Present: Lee Napier, Fred Evander, Graham Gowing, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper (out 9:11, in 9:28), Erik Martin (in 9:18) Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Airport a. Facilities i. Leased Hangars-South County Lee discussed the draft letter to lessors about the potential future of airport leases for the open T-hangars and the Rocky Hangar. Prior to sending a letter, the BoCC would like input from the Advisory Board during their June 21 meeting. ii. Packwood Hangar and ground b. Airport Manager The PAF has been approved by all required parties. The position will be advertised at the appropriate time. c. Construction update Community Development is waiting on the consultant to submit revised taxiway connector edge lighting designs in order to proceed with the construction. 2. Permit Center- a. Monthly report Graham presented the monthly permit report. Revenue has increased from 2017. The permit techs are working extremely hard to get applications routed to the proper departments as fast as possible. b. Impact WA-Process Improvement Report Out A subset of the process improvement team is scheduled to meet on 6/12 to discuss a new approach to planning reviews. CD’s goal is to provide more planning services at the beginning of the application process. Additionally, a trial period is being run that entails a new front counter rotation to allow for permit techs to intake an application and route immediately. 3. Planning Division a. CAO – public hearing Public hearing occurred on 6/11/18. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\06 - June 4-29\Week of June 11\2018-06-12 CD Minutes.docx b. Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code public Hearing The hearing is set for 6/25/18. 4. Building Division a. Update regarding LCC 15.15 CD is moving forward with drafting changes to LCC 15.15. Fred spoke about possibly combining Planning Commission public hearings with BoCC public hearings in order to shorten the time it takes to complete potential code changes. b. Code revision LCC 15.30 CD is in the process of drafting changes. 5. Code Concerns An event center was discussed concerning road access and width of the road to the facility. Erik has had a conversation with the engineer associated with the road in question. The Board directed Erik to have another conversation with the project engineer. 6. Cable TV Franchise renewal Lee has contacted Centralia and Chehalis regarding their TV franchise agreements and potential of renegotiating such agreements. Chehalis is not inclined to renegotiate while Centralia is still exploring options. BoCC has no comment. 7. Public Comments Commissioner Stamper is meeting with Jim Wallace on 6/12/18. 8. Follow up from prior meetings a. Eagle Cliff mine-no report CD is beginning to take moisture readings to help determine timing and extent of potential upcoming burn ban. Topics for next monthly update possible scheduled for July 10th Actions to be requested: Input with possible action on items 1, 2,5 and 6