2018-06-13 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update June 13, 2018 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Edna Fund, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Betsy Dillin, Engineer; James Ciborowski, citizen; Lara McRea, recorder Start 10:02 am Flooding concerns regarding James Ciborowski’s property on Ferrier Rd.- Erik reported that Public Works plans to construct a new culvert and regrade the stream on Mr. Ciborowski’s property pending FEMA funding. The water would flow into the creek and will alleviate flooding. The project may not be done until 2020 or later as Public Works needs to secure this as a FEMA alternate project. If the benefit cost ratio is large enough then FEMA will fund the project. Mr. Ciborowski expressed why he is not pleased with the current drainage configuration. He feels it will block the water off and it will flow back to where it was before. He described a different option he thinks will help in the interim before the FEMA project. He plans to create a berm on his property to block the flow of water across his property. He does not want to lose any more trees on his property due to a saturated ground. Erik felt his option would cause water to run on the roadway and is unclear of the result. Commissioner Stamper entered the meeting at 10:11 am Erik noted that the county has a right to release water to a natural draining location and feels they have not done anything illegal. Mr. Ciborowski claims the county doesn’t clean the ditches and the run off comes into his property. The topography has a low spot and the water flows onto his property. Tim noted that the ditches are not for drainage purposes. The county puts them in to drain off water for road surfaces only. Water will naturally go to the lowest spot. Commissioner Jackson noted that the county will do what it can but trusts the department heads. Erik said he would let DEM know that this is a priority project. Discussion was held regarding weed abatement. Mr. Ciborowski would like to know the name of the chemical that was sprayed near his property last month. Erik noted it was an herbicide but will provide him with the contacts for John Link and Bill Wamsley. Mr. Ciborowski left the meeting at 10:23 am. ADMINISTRATION Budget- The department has started to develop budgets for 2019. Erik had a meeting with the management team last week to discuss budgets. He noted that Coal Creek may be a drain on the roads budget until FEMA funds are received. The 2019 ER&R rates have been submitted to the budget department. Surplus Property-Charges for Legal Notices- Erik noted he will put together a final policy on charging for legal notices. Funding for feasibility & scoping document for a future Comp Flood Hazard Mgmt. Planning Effort (CFHMP)- Discussion was held about utilizing Fund 125 for work on the CFHMP. This way the board could transfer money in to this fund from current expense for cash flow purposes. Funding will come from RCO but the fund needs some cash to initially pay the bills before reimbursement payment are received. Erik will work with the budget department on this. Packwood River Access-Park- Commissioner Stamper feels the county should develop this property as a place to access the river. The property would become a parking lot, have trail access and vaulted toilets. The estimated construction cost will be around $350k but could grow to over $450k when finished. Erik said that RCO is offering some funding and Tacoma Power has a grant that should be out soon that could be up to $85k for the project if it were received. Discussion was held regarding long term maintenance issues. Commissioner Stamper said the Packwood Business Community may volunteer to manage the maintenance. Commissioner Fund asked if an agreement should be drafted and Tim said RCO would require one. All three board members noted they are in support of the project and Erik will tell Ann to go forward with project. Commissioner Jackson will speak to CFP group at their next meeting. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to move forward with the Cowlitz River Public Access project. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed. County Manager transition-meetings- Erik noted he met with the management team regarding the County Manager transition. The team would prefer to move faster on recruiting a Public Works Director. Further discussion was held. VADER WATER Reservoir Project-BOCC decision to award- Erik reported that the reservoir project is over budget by $800k and the price of steel is the main factor. Betsy has been speaking with USDA to see if they have any more grant funds available for the project. USDA noted they could potentially give Vader an $800k grant and a $280k loan. This is a preliminary estimate and nothing has been finalized yet. The project went to bid over 60 days ago and the contractor will need to know by Friday or the project will need to be re-bid a year from now. Betsy also noted the contractor did not want to extend the bid. Commissioner Stamper asked if there was a way to ensure the county receives the grant funding. Betsy said she will try to get approval from USDA before the expiration of the bid. Erik said if USDA does grant the county funding rates would still need to be increased approximately $10 per month/per customer. If the county does not receive the additional grant funding the customer’s bill would increase about $20 per month/per customer. This increase would just cover the yearly cost of the loan. Rates may still need to be increased for other increasing operational and labor costs. Erik has spoken to Mayor Smith about the situation and Erik and Betsy will meet with the City Council on June 14th. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to accept the bid. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- There will be a meeting soon to review 30% plans. North Lewis County Industrial Access- Jack Niehuser has a meeting with the Centralia City Council in two weeks to discuss the project. Further discussion was held regarding the progression of the project. WATV’s East/West- Discussion was held regarding WATVs on the west side of county. Road Standards- No discussion. MAINTENANCE Coal Creek Drive- Bill Vander Hoeff will be going to Packwood on June 23rd to meet with homeowners and have them sign ROW documents. Erik noted that the Department of Emergency Management said this project went fast due to Ann Weckback and her work on the permitting. Area 5 Shop Addition- Tim said Malcolm and the consultant made a site visit last Monday. The final report will be out soon and the county will reject the contractor’s latest offer. The contractor’s insurance is now involved and they intend to send out an adjuster to the shop. No Spray Agreements- Erik met with the Farm Bureau last week regarding no spray agreements. He has given Kevin feedback from the bureaus comments. REAL ESTATE North Fork- Mr. Cgraagen called and spoke with Malcolm and asked why the county needed so much land. He believes the county needs to reevaluate the project. Mr. Cgraagen needs 10 ft. Further discussion was held. PSE Jackson Prairie- This item was discussed at the directors update. Skookumchuck Wind Energy- Discussion was held regarding poles being installed outside of the county ROW and if there is an option to modify the franchise agreement. Public Works is working with the prosecutor’s office on a possible modified franchise agreement. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates 3R (resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation)-  Jackson-brief discussion  Paradise Estates-the project will start on June 18th. GOOD OF THE ORDER Meeting ended 11:37 a.m. To do List  Invite Ross to be at meeting on Monday to discuss PSE Franchise.