2018-06-19 Update with the Coroner Update with the Coroner June 19th 2018 Start time- 10:02 Attendees: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Warren McLeod, Erik Martin, Guests: Recorder: Rachel Hunt Budget update- Just billed for 4 indigent cremations. Total of $1,775 will be in a budget amendment. Pathologist fees have gone up by $6,000. Year to date -397 decedents Homicides- 2 Suicides- 9 Accidental-5 Natural- Pending- 15 Department Assist- 2 Agency Assist-2 Warren briefed the BOCC on the status of the Drowning Prevention Coalition Grant. He mentioned that Tacoma Power is concerned with liability of having a life jacket loaner station at their boat docks. Dig class had 19 attendees representing 10 agencies. Brought in $1,590 in revenue from hosting the class. Commissioner Stamper asked who would be initially funding the class in 2019. Warren mentioned they currently do not have a mortuary contract for decedent removals in 2019. Meeting ended at 10:22 a.m.