2018-06-20 ESC MeetingESC Meeting June 20, 2018 8:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Mansfield, Marni Larson, Hazel Dibble, Shad Hail, Gary Fredricks, Casey Mauermann, Lee Napier, Danette York Megan Sibbert, Graham Gowing, Suzette Smith, Larry Grove, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Doug Carey, Wayne Whiton, Bill Wamsley, Erik Martin, Archie Smith, Steve Wohld Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve the May 2018 minutes. Erik Martin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Megan Sibbert discussed the accounts payable rollout of Munis, and Suzette Smith thanked the group for its patience during the Munis change. Steve Wohld discussed IT’s internal service rates for 2019. He said offices are charged based on equipment, such as printers, copiers, laptops, etc. He said the ER&R rate, which is separate, pays for replacements. He said the internal service rates will increase roughly 8 percent. Becky discussed HR’s internal service rates. Erik Martin discussed Fleet’s ER&R rates, which are determined using replacement costs, fixed costs and direct costs. He said rates increased significantly for Public Works and the Sheriff’s Office and that rates decreased for the Assessor’s Office, E911 and Solid Waste. Wayne Whiton and Becky discussed Risk’s rates. Becky said those rates pay for workers’ comp, general liability, staffing and the PDR team, among other things. Steve Walton and Doug Carey discussed Facilities’ rates. Steve said rates, which are based on square footage, are going up roughly 1.5 percent. Doug explained that each building has its own different square-footage cost. He noted that office remodels, etc., are paid for out of the capital fund, not rates. Doug said the Mail Room costs is divided through the users. Becky noted that Facilities froze a maintenance position the previous year for budget purposes. Steve Mansfield said 911 user groups are looking at an 11 percent increase. Becky discussed 2019 limitations. She said there will be no increase in operational costs. Becky discussed the 2018 road levy shift, which totaled $800,000. Archie Smith discussed PEBB coverage for employees. Becky said public disclosure lawsuits and cybersecurity are major concerns. Steve Wohld said he has 40 minutes worth of videos that he would like to make mandatory for county employees. Steve Wohld said he is looking at internal-only email for some employees. Becky said all-day budget meetings will be held and that individual training will be available. Archie discussed AFSCME vs. Janus, a U.S. Supreme Court case regarding union dues. He said HR will provide Summit Law’s talking points once the ruling is published to ensure the county remains neutral in its responses. Archie said AWC training is available for drug and alcohol training for supervisors. Rieva Lester noted that the employee picnic is planned for Thursday, July 26. Suzette noted that the SAO is onsite for its annual audit. Meeting ended at 9:10 a.m.