2018-06-26 June Update with IT Meeting Date: 6/26/18 At 1:30 pm – 2:25 pm Location: Lewis County Commissioner Meeting Room IT Director’s Monthly Update – Wohld, Commissioners Fund, Stamper, and Jackson. • General Discuss network solutions. Talked about the need to upgrade the data controller in the next few months. Roughly $30-50k. This is not in the budget and is a result of losing our two Linux system administrators. By upgrading this controller to a commercially supported controller, we won’t need a fulltime Linux administrator. Discuss cyber security. New video awareness campaign and quiz will be released. Board asked to have it released as voluntary compliance first and then switch to mandatory in the near future. Discussed the clicks and the folks clicking. Discuss staffing. Interviewing two internal candidates for office. New developer is doing very well. Discussed the staffing level concerns as it relates to the increased cs efforts needed. • Technology Services General discussion. State IGN router replacement was successful. PUD needs to upgrade our fiber path which will effect Public Services, the Fair, and Solid Waste buildings. Minimal after-hours downtime expected. Discussed the backlog of surplus. • Spillman Services General discussion. Installed all new dispatch systems for better network security. • Development Services General discussion. Need to move the County website from existing management system to a more cyber-secured program with recent discovered deficiencies in the current system. This will take a few months. Jail app is being tested by employees and is expected to go beta by first of August. This will include roughly 9 iPads. We will need to work with DEM to get new river gauge information for the website.