2018-06-27 Meeting to discuss Weed AssessmentMeeting to discuss Weed Assessment June 27, 2018 10:06 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Erik Martin, Arny Davis, Michelle Stewart, Bill Wamsley, Weed Board Chairman Bob Taylor, Ross Petersen, Eric Eisenberg, Dianne Dorey, Steve Walton, Becky Butler Recorder: Rieva Lester Bill Wamsley discussed the Weed board’s discussions about funding needs. He discussed RCWs 17.10 and 17.10.240 regarding weed control and funding. He noted that most counties in the state use weed assessments to fund weed control, unlike Lewis County, which uses the general fund. Bill said the assessment can be per acre or per parcel. Bill discussed the Designated Forest Land (DFL) designation. Bill said Thurston County uses a $3-4 per acre rate and charges an additional 40 cents per acre for anything over 5 acres. Bill said current funding comes through the general fund, the Forest Service, the Department of Agriculture and the Lewis County PUD. Becky Butler said Weed’s budget hovers around $310,000 with revenues totaling roughly $50,000. Dianne Dorey said the Department of Transportation has refused to pay weed assessments. Eric Eisenberg said a Supreme Court finding indicates state actors do not have to pay county-levied assessments. He discussed creating a special purpose district, which would have to pay assessments. Arny Davis said it looks like the Treasurer’s Office would be in charge of the assessment. He noted there would be administrative costs as well as the possible need for a loan to purchase the needed software. Dianne said the Assessor’s Office would have to apply acreage parcel by parcel, similar to how the Assessor’s Office manages the Forest Patrol assessment. Bill discussed how the assessment would affect properties enrolled in the DFL program. Arny discussed using Ascend to tackle the software needed. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Dianne: Follow up on requested software cost estimate from Ascend. Arny and Dianne: Meet with Thomson and Reuters regarding what is needed so a bid can be developed. Group: Meet again in two weeks or so. Bill: Send to Dianne the base model for the proposal. Arny and Dianne said Pierce and Thurston counties use Ascend for the assessments. Commissioner Stamper left at 10:33 a.m. and returned at 10:35 a.m. The group discussed administrative fees associated with the assessment. Bill said there are roughly 8,000 parcels enrolled in the DFL program and that there are roughly 800,000 acres in the program. Eric discussed the potential benefits of a two-tiered, flat per-parcel rate. Dianne said Forest Patrol acreage is done by hand. Dianne discussed how DFL acreage is broken down. Arny said the majority of challenge will be set up and costs associated with set up. He said he’d like to see an ongoing administrative fee as well. Erik Martin left at 11:05 a.m. and returned at 11:09 a.m. Eric discussed the need to identify the upfront costs. Meeting adjourned at 11:26 a.m.