2018-07-02 PHSS BOCC Update Minutes 7-2-18 BOCC Update Minutes July 2, 2018 Start Time: 2:05 pm End Time: 2:54 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Casey Peters Recorder: Sandi Andrus BUDGET Discussion: Casey Peters gave an update on the Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI) for Morton. There is approximately $21,000 available in 2018/2019 to fund a community mentoring program using the CPWI funding coming from HCA. Initially it was going to be used to hire a coordinator for the program out of the old Teen Center location in Morton. Recently, the owners of the building decided not to rent the building to the Teen Center this year due to issues with the rental agreement and the city of Morton/Police Department. Another group would like to use that existing space for a community teen center. Roger Morningstar, Police Chief, has suggested locating the Teen Center in the back of the police department. Each group wants the $21,000 from Federal funds to use towards their center. Commissioner Stamper told Roger these centers need to come together and form a partnership and that he needs to be part of the teen center or Morton UP to get funding. The County is considering providing $12,000. Casey stated the community center group is looking at forming a new nonprofit organization. Maybe a different location than the Police Department would be a better location. Decision: Commissioner Stamper will talk to Roger Morningstar again. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • Update on Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) Advisory Board – Danette Discussion: There has not been another PHSS meeting but one is scheduled this Thursday. Danette plans to show them a recorded webinar on Foundational Public Health Services. • CAC Update – Danette Discussion: JP is in discussion with CAC about Lewis County contracting for funds. If this happens, JP may need to remove himself as a member of the board due to a conflict of interest. It is unclear if JP is the actual representative on the board or if he is covering for Commissioner Jackson. CAC does the HEN program for Thurston and Mason. Decision: Danette and JP will keep the Commissioners updated. • Open Arms food distribution update – Danette/Bill Discussion: Open Arms is pleased that Meredith found a way where they could get a temporary permit and the charges are the same as a nonprofit. That allows them to cook and serve food. They are still not allowed to store any food at their homes, do cooling, or reheating. During their meeting, Danette gave them three options and suggested Chandra take a picture of their options and post on Facebook so followers know what their choices are. Chandra gave the Lewis County Kudos and thanks for working with them to be able to provide food. They would need to get a separate permit to do an Easter buffet. NEW ISSUES • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Hadaller, Jacob/Katherine Carroll - Birley Rd., Mossyrock – The Sheriff responded to more barking complaints and cited Mr. Hadaller. Commissioner Stamper asked if something can be done when someone is cited many times. If they do not pay the violation, it goes to collections. There is a fine of $257 for each violation of Prohibited Activities by Animals or Animals at Large. Unpaid civil infractions or Failure to Appear (FTA) are sent to collections. When the County has proven the burden of evidence for operating a kennel without a permit, the first offense is a civil infraction and the second offense may be a criminal violation. He may also have a code violation regarding a building on the site. o #2 – 139-7 Kjesbu Rd., Mossyrock – The Commissioners may get a call from a resident. He has an easement through someone else’s property and does not like that he can see the neighbor’s junk cars when he uses the easement. There is nothing the County can do about that. o #3 – Markham, Cathy (Estate of) 112 Elm View Dr., Chehalis – FYI. Cathy passed away and the house remained in the family. There are people who are not family living in the house which has no power or sewer. EH staff told the family they will have to go through the eviction process to get them off the property as it is not the County’s responsibility. o #4 – Stajduhar, Gabriel – 318 Kruger Rd., Onalaska – They are advertising as a wedding venue. Bill sent them a letter and reminded them the County has requirements for this type of business. Mr. Stajduhar said it was just for his family’s wedding but now he is advertising and holding other weddings. Bill sent him a Notice of Violation. This is Old Mill Farms and is an older barn with a brand new stocked bar. o #5 – Reynolds, Gennie – East Creek Camp Ground, Mineral – Gennie does not want a Satellite Management Agency (SMA) even though the State and Lewis County said she needs one. Commissioner Stamper has also talked to her. She says the SMAs charge too much and she wants to do it herself. She has not responded to Bill’s letter as of this date. Other Code Enforcement Issues Discussed: o Commissioner Stamper asked about anything new on Kat. Bill said there is none but he updates her every couple weeks or so. o FYI: Chapman Rd. in Randle has been cut off by the Cowlitz River. Mr. Terwiliger complains about neighbors who have parties next to him on the weekend. Technically, Mr. Terwilliger or anyone with property beyond the washout do not have legal access and are currently trespassing on others’ properties to gain access around the washout. County staff will not trespass on private property. It is believed Mr. Terwilleger lives on the property in an unpermitted dwelling. • Regional Interlocal Leadership Structure for 2020 health integration – Danette Discussion: Danette asked if the Commissioners give her permission to start working with this group to develop Structure decisions. Fred has been working with all the Counties attorneys and is working with Eric Eisenberg. We do not want attorneys, BHO staff, and directors all working on this. Decision: Commissioners Fund and Stamper gave Danette permission to work with this group to develop Structure decisions. Commissioner Fund will talk to Wendy to get clarification. • Change of WIC Hours on Fridays – Danette Discussion: The WIC hours will be changed to close at 3:00 on Fridays effective October 1, 2018. WIC is open on Thursdays until 7:00 to meet clients which causes issues getting coverage on Fridays. • Third Floor Reception Area closing for lunch – Danette Starting today, we closed the third floor for lunch from 11:30 through 12:30. Julie is no longer working up there and we cannot cover the Customer Service Representatives when someone is out. Decision: Publish this change in hours. BOH ISSUES The next BOH will be held on Monday, July 9, 2018 at 1:30 pm o H. Res #070918.1 Consolidated Contract #3 increases funding by $69,362. o Foundational Public Health Services training/update – Danette will show a video to the Board. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to move the Consolidated Contract Resolution and FPHS update to the July 9, 2018, Board of Health at 1:30. Commissioner Fund seconded. Approved 2-0. GOOD OF THE ORDER • Articles from the Department will be submitted to The Chronicle monthly – Danette Discussion: Danette informed the Commissioners that someone from the Department will submit an article to the Chronicle each month in addition to Dr. Wood’s article.