2018-07-10 Tacoma Power MeetingTacoma Power Meeting
July 10, 2018
3:30 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Erik Martin, Laura Berg,
Steve Mansfield, Dianne Dorey, Ross Petersen, Becky Butler, Steve Walton
Recorder: Rieva Lester and Candy Hallom
Rieva Lester said Mossyrock indicated it receives $9,000
monthly. She said she has not yet heard back from Morton and
White Pass.
Ross Petersen discussed inequalities between Tacoma Power
ratepayers’ base rates versus those paid by local PUD
ratepayers, who pay considerably more.
Dianne Dorey said taxpayers throughout the county pay extra
to cover what Tacoma Power does not pay in taxes. She said
the area also is hurt by the unfilled promises related to
projects that would draw to the area, in addition to lost
revenue linked to timber harvests.
Dianne said it also appears that outside projects are mitigated
using lands in Lewis County. She said the lake totals 11,000
acres but that Tacoma Power has exempt property totaling
25,000 acres.
Dianne suggested hiring a timber cruiser to determine the
value of the timber on the tax exempt properties.
Ross suggested reaching out to the tribes.
Rieva left at 3:54 p.m. and Candy Hallom took over as recorder.
Ross stated we have never reached out to Tacoma Power.
Ross stated we need to come up with a plan and seed money
to get us started.
Dianne stated this is the 3rd study she has been involved in.
Erik asked if Lewis County starts renegotiate the CPI or does Tacoma power. Ross answered saying that
either can start negotiations.
Steve Mansfield is looking for some commitments that Tacoma Power has followed through with.
Dianne Dorey: Determine how
much acreage Tacoma Power
had prior to the 2001
Ross Petersen or Commissioner
Fund: Reach out to timber
cruisers, including possibly Rep.
Ed Orcutt.
Ross: Work with Rodney
Reynolds on the CPIs, including
the 12 percent per annum
Erik: Reviewing FERC
Gary: will talk with the Fire
Steve stated the drainage alert for those below the damn was never kept up.
Ross and Laura will work together.
Dianne recommended working with the Fire District and the State as well.
Ross will get together with Dianne, Erik, and Laura Berg and compile the information. The plan is to
have the information put together by the end of the month.