2018-07-11 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update July 11, 2018 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Edna Fund, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Becky Butler, Budget Manager; Lara McRea, recorder Start 10:07 am ADMINISTRATION Budget-  Establishing a minimum fund balance Discussion was held regarding a levy shift. Tim discussed the roads projects and said most of the construction projects are fully funded from outside revenue sources with the exception of a county match. Maintenance is the biggest expense in the roads fund. Tim talked about a study that was conducted in the 80s regarding how often a county or city should chip seal a road. He noted that Lewis County is currently behind about $1.5 million a year on chip sealing the county roads. He presented a picture graph to the board of a road at various levels of erosion. Preventative maintenance would be the least cost to the county. If you don’t maintain the roads reconstruction will need to be done. It costs approximately $2.10 a square foot to chip seal a road which equates to $29,000 a mile. Erik said the effects of a levy shift from the roads funds will be seen 5-10 years down the road. The chip seal program was cut in 2010 and 2011 due to the $1 million levy shift each year from the roads fund to the general fund. In the early 2000s, the roads department chip sealed about 120 miles a year. The program has been cut back to 50-60 miles in recent years. Studies show that roads should be chip sealed every 7 years. Erik and Tim want to keep to roads fund as solvent as possible. The fund previously carried a $10-$12 million cash balance. Tim noted that the roads are rated each year which is a requirement from the County Road Admin Board. There are many factors included in the rating to include the average daily traffic. The rating puts the priority of the roads in a que and ranks which are the most important to maintain first. The road supervisors also review the roads. Minimum Fund Balance- Erik discussed the roads fund balance and said that there will be times throughout the year that the fund balance will go down due to the timing of property taxes coming in and construction costs. He feels there should be a bare minimum of $3.5-$4 million of cash balance at the beginning of each year. There also needs to be a reserve for emergency work (floods, windstorms, etc.) and the average the roads fund spends is about $500k per year for emergencies. Permanent repairs are an additional $367k per year. During the 2007 flood event the roads fund spent $1.5 million for initial costs. Becky noted that GFOA suggests that funds have 2 months’ worth of expenditures plus emergencies in their reserves. Tim is looking at 3 months of payroll and feels a 4 million fund balance would be reasonable. Erik asked that the board start looking at adopting a fund balance policy. Surplus Property-Charges for Legal Notices- Previously Martin Roy had created some scenarios for legal notice charges and these were presented to the board at a previous meeting. Tim feels the department should charge a flat fee for most of the properties but look at these charges on a case by case basis if the property is being sold for a low price. The board would have the authority to wave a fee or charge by a percentage for these properties. The board noted they liked this method and Public Works will put together a policy on this. Packwood River Access-Park- Commissioner Stamper has spoken to Lee Grose about moving forward with the project. This item will be discussed at the next CFP meeting on July 19th. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- Erik said that Tim will be overseeing this project with Betsy from now on. There is a pre- con meeting tomorrow and excavation is scheduled to start right away. Rates will need to be increased to pay for the reservoir. Erik noted that the City of Vader is looking to partner with the county for services at the wastewater treatment plant. There could be an opportunity to save money. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- Tim said the open house is planned for the 1st week in August with 30% design completed. The open house is primarily for the residents to show them how it will affect their properties. A presentation will be done first then citizens can go around to each station and ask specific questions. Commissioner Fund would like the students invited also. North Lewis County Industrial Access- Discussion was held regarding the build grant and Public Works will be applying for the planning portion. SCJ Alliance will be working on the application. Tim noted that for the next phase in the project he is trying to keep the cost under $500k. There is no match required but there will be $35k of in kind work. He noted that roads will need about $50k and asked if the Distressed Counties fund would be an option. Becky said a project form will need to be submitted to the EDC. The EDC meets quarterly and there next meeting will be in the fall. The original resolution may be able to be amended. The board felt this would be a good use of Distressed County funding. MAINTENANCE Deferred maintenance- Previously discussed. Coal Creek Drive- Tim noted this project is moving forward. Area 5 Shop Addition- The contractor has ordered the repair material and has agreed to do the work the structural engineer said needs to be completed. REAL ESTATE North Fork- Erik said there is an upcoming hearing on condemnation. Tim said the Cgraggens did not accept the county’s latest offer. Skookumchuck Wind Energy- Martin and Shawn are working on a modified franchise agreement. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates 3R (resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation)-  Jackson-the project is projected to start the 1st week of August.  Paradise Estates-this project is complete with the exception of sweeping. Port of Chehalis-EDA grant- Rick Rouse from the Port of Chehalis contacted Ann Weckback about applying for an EDA grant for improving a ditch line in the county’s ROW. Tim said the grant requires that the outcome of the work creates and preserves jobs. Tim said that Public Works would have to apply for this grant but also said that all public entities are eligible to apply. The Port would like to improve the ditch line in the county’s ROW. Public Works does not have the time or resources to apply for this grant and Tim suggested that the Port apply for it. He said the chances of the county getting a portion of the grant are slim. The EDA allocates $5-$6 million for the entire west coast to include California, Washington, Oregon and Alaska. It is on a first come first serve basis. GOOD OF THE ORDER Erik noted that Ross Peterson has a meeting today with Rich Curtis at 4:00. Discussion was held regarding the $20k for contract lobby work that is to be paid from Fund 125. The auditor would like documentation that the board has approved the work and also documentation of the work performed. It was noted that the county is trying to get a meeting scheduled with Tacoma Power on Aug 1st. Ed Orcutt will try and attend the meeting. Discussion was held regarding the windmill energy project in Lewis County. Further discussion was held regarding the tax rolls and if the county would receive any tax from the project. A meeting will be set with Commissioner Stamper, Erik, Diane and Becky to further discuss. Meeting ended 11:19 a.m. To do List  Put EDC lobbying contract billing on the wrap up meeting for July 16 to further discuss.  Martin Roy and Tim to develop a flat fee policy for surplus property sales for adoption by the BOCC.