2018-07-17 Update with RiskUpdate with Risk July 17, 2018 Start time- 1:30 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper (1:38) Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Wayne Whiton, Casey Mauermann Recorder: Rachel Hunt Wayne discussed current tort claims filed by Kevon Tracy. Wayne discussed an update on current Emergency Action Plans and how to implement new procedures. Commissioner Stamper joined the meeting at 1:38 p.m. 15 open workers’ compensation claims. 1 reopened application, 2 out on time loss, 1 new hearing loss claim. Around 350 open public disclosure requests. About 300 open in the multi requestor queue. Casey discussed GOVQA software working with JLARC for reporting. The group discussed possible grants from the Secretary of State for records retention. The group discussed the current PRA policy for the county. Wayne and Commissioner Jackson are going to the Washington County Risk Pool conference in Yakima. Wayne also added he is working on updating the current plans in the Risk department. Meeting ended at 1:59 p.m.