2018-07-24 Update with Central ServicesUpdate with Central Services July 24, 2018 2:33 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Walton, Tamara Hayes, Isaac Freeman, Fionna Velazquez, William Knutz Recorder: Rieva Lester Isaac Freeman said Discover Lewis County is working on the trail guide. He said it will include 29 park walks. Isaac said DLC has purchased the DLC.guide domain. Isaac said he is working on the footage to use for the $10,000 Port of Seattle grant. Tamara Hayes discussed vendors and entertainment for the Southwest Washington Fair. Tamara said she has not been able to sell tickets in the fair office and hopes to have the technical problem fixed in a day or so. Tamara said she struck a deal with the tribe, trading fair ticket packages in exchange for advertisement space alongside the freeway. Tamara gave an update on the Garlic Fest. Tamara Hayes, Isaac Freeman, Fionna Velazquez and William Knutz left at 3:20 p.m. Steve Walton said he hopes to have his office relocated by the end of the week. Steve said the grant for the Historic Courthouse requires putting out a bid for mason work. He said the James Building will be renovated and that Family Support needs a new sign. He said the flooring still needs to be completed at the jail. Steve said air conditioners are being replaced in the Health building. He said the county is moving forward with the Packwood River Access project. He also discussed a SWACCA grant being sought for a new Parks lawn mower. Steve gave an update on personnel. Steve said input regarding the Historic Courthouse is due Aug. 1. Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.