2018-07-30 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\07 - July 2 - Aug. 3\Week of July 30\2018-07-30 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update July 30, 2018 at 2:00pm Department: Community Development Present: Lee Napier, Eric Eisenberg, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, and Erik Martin (joined 2:07pm) Note Taker: Lee Napier The meeting started around 2:02pm Lee and Eric explained the background leading to the passage of Res by WSD No. 2. The Board members present asked several questions. Did the original ILA have a sunset clause? No it was predicated on Birchfield Fully Contained Community (FCC). Since the subject (FCC) of the prior interlocal is now void, District 2 now believes the ILA is no longer valid. Since there were open questions about the status of the ILA, the District 2 passed a resolution Is this legal? Staff has no reason to believe it's invalid. Why is this our problem? Under the law, the county is expected to address waste disposal as part of the building permit process. This is a dispute between the two water districts. The county's role relates to processing building permits. Note- Steve Mansfield interrupted the meeting to advise the Board of a situation involving a fire south of White Pass , in Yakima County, that may impact Lewis County. This situation is inaccessible by road or foot, which caused concern for hikers. He left at 2:15pm. Eric continued to brief the Board 2:16. How does the Board wish us to address the liability? Is there a chance that the two districts will reach agreement and sign a new ILA? Observations of a meeting between the two districts seem promising. A suggestion was made to consider a 6-month moratorium, which would allow time to work on this as well. How does the Board demonstrate impartiality? Is the Board comfortable with reviewing a draft moratorium? County has a requirement that waste disposal be determined at the time of building permit application. Sewer availability is now an open issue based on the Resolution provided to the Community Development staff. Bring a draft to the Director's update for consideration on Monday August 6th. -Lee will draft an ordinance and present during 8-1-18 Directors -