2018-07-30 Meeting with Kat CarrollMeeting with Kat Carroll July 30, 2018 3:05 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Environmental Services Supervisor Bill Teitzel, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Eric Eisenberg, Humane Officer Alishia Hornburg, Community Development Director Lee Napier, Public Health and Social Services Director Danette York, Kat Carroll, Public Works Director Erik Martin (by phone) Guests: Susan DeLaire and various members of the public who live near the dog kennel and Kat Carroll, including Richard Zavodsky, Richard Tessmer, Jean Tessmer, Norma Sims, Ardill Wright, Mary Ann Wright and Rose Etl Recorder: Rieva Lester Eric Eisenberg discussed Kat Carroll’s complaints regarding Jake Hadaller’s dogs. Erik Martin left the meeting as he was out of phone range. Eric explained proposed changes to county code. He said a public hearing on the changes is scheduled for Aug. 13, 2018. A member of the audience said Jake’s dogs have injured and / or killed other dogs and / or neighbors’ pets. Kat said an owner cannot be cited if the county cannot prove which dog killed or maimed the pet. Eric and Bill Teitzel clarified that the county doesn’t have to identify the dog to cite an owner for animals at large. They said the county would have to be able to identify the specific animal if it were a “dangerous dog” citation. Bill described the process that takes place when a crime occurs. Eric said the proposed ordinance would take effect Sept. 1, 2018, if passed. He said his understanding is that the county could send Jake Hadaller documentation outlining that if Jake Hadaller received another civil animal violation, it would be considered a misdemeanor. Bill said Jake Hadaller’s father, John, is caring for Jake’s dogs in his absence. Kat voiced concerns about Jake’s dogs’ barking. Bill said noise complaints should be directed to the sheriff’s office. He said the county has revoked Jake’s kennel license. He said a site visit determined Jake still had a number of dogs and was cited. He also noted that Jake was in jail. Bill said Jake has between 16 and 18 dogs, including pregnant females. Eric underscored that Lewis County is being cautious, noting that it wouldn’t be legal for the county to just go in and seize Jake’s dogs. Eric reiterated that Jake’s next infraction could be a misdemeanor. Bill clarified the difference between animals at large and dangerous dogs. Lee Napier left at 3:49 p.m. Bill discussed the county’s rules regarding the number of dogs an individual can have. Susan DeLaire left at 3:58 p.m. Eric asked if any of the neighbors have spoken to Jake Hadaller’s father to ask if the dogs could be fed earlier in the day to limit the dogs’ late-night barking. Bill said he would speak to John Hadaller. Meeting adjourned at 4:02 p.m.