2018-08-08 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update August 8, 2018 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Edna Fund, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Erik Martin, County Manager; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Betsy Dillin, Engineer; Lara McRea, recorder Start 10:13 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Establishing a minimum fund balance- Tim said there are many projects planned for 2019 but there may be cuts needed due to the projected fund balance for 2019. Packwood River Access-Park- Erik said the board voted to move forward on this project. This is not a roads project and roads dollars cannot be spent on the project. He noted RCO funds are available and the purchase of property may be used as part of the match. Tacoma Power may have funding available also. The remainder of the funding will need to be discussed. An MOU will need to be written for the maintenance of the park and Tim will have Ann Weckback review the RCO agreement regarding the maintenance. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- Betsy said construction has started and the excavation is complete. The foundation rock has been laid and foundation construction will start next week. Rates- Tim said that Vader preliminary rates have been analyzed and the budget has been reviewed. Betsy noted the 5% rate increase will help offset the cost of the loan for a portion of the tank payment of $14k per year. Erik said he discussed a potential rate increase with Ken Smith a few months ago. The department would like this increase to take place on the October billing cycle. Betsy said the last increase was for delinquent fees which occurred at the beginning of 2018 and an actual rate increase occurred the year before that. Commissioner Stamper recommended speaking to Mayor Smith and reviewing the information so he can prep the council members before the council meeting. The resolution would need to be passed by the BOCC by mid-September. The agenda item will need to be put on the Vader City Council agenda soon. Discussion was held regarding a rate increase each year. Tim said the new reservoir should save on chemical costs. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Borst Ave Pedestrian Safety Project- Tim said there is a public meeting scheduled for September 18th. There will be a presentation first and visual boards will be available for the public to view. Students will also be invited to participate in the meeting. Discussion was held regarding right of way issues which Tim noted are mostly within the city limits. The biggest impact on the county side involves the church. Commissioner Fund would like to make sure the public meeting announcement states this is a city and county effort. North Lewis County Industrial Access- Tim noted that Public Works has applied for the BUILD grant and should have more information in the fall. MAINTENANCE Coal Creek Drive- Tim noted this project is ahead of schedule and there are three phases to the project. Commissioner Stamper said the logs are in and the project is coming along. Area 5 Shop Addition- Tim said the contractor has removed the sheet rock and found extensive mold. Thermal testing needs to be done to determine where the leaks are originating. Once thermal testing is complete then repairs can be done. Contractor claims leaks are not a result of the work he has performed. GIS Pictometry flight 2019- There is a flight scheduled for 2019. Tim said the pictures will go from 9 inch pixels to 6 inch at no additional charge. The pixel reduction will make the pictures more clear. FLEET Fuel Tanks- The central shop fuel tanks have been cleaned an ER&R has placed a surcharge on every gallon that comes from the tank in the 2019 rate structure. This will help offset the cleaning costs. REAL ESTATE North Fork- Tim updated the board on this project. EPA-Hamilton Rd- Tim noted that chemicals had been dumped between I5 and Hamilton by the Labree interchange. Staging will be occurring on county side for cleanup. Further discussion was held. Jackson Hwy and Salsbury Ave- Tim updated the board on the issues associated with right of way encroachment. Stormwater has been going into two residents properties that live right below the Jackson Hwy Villas. Further discussion was held regarding the issues. Skookumchuck Wind Energy- Tim noted the PA’s Office is drafting a crossing agreement. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates 3R (resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation)- The Jackson project is complete and will be stripped. Middle Fork Rd will be completed today. Shafer Rd Culvert- Now passable. Project is almost complete. Port of Chehalis-EDA grant- Tim noted that funds are available for drainage work on Sturdevant Rd. The board said they would be in support of this project and Tim will draft a letter of support for the BOCC’s signature. GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Jackson discussed the issue with congestion on Rush Road. He noted that Ed Orcutt was not in favor of a roundabout. Further discussion was held about the congestion issue. Commissioner Jackson would like to have a meeting with Ed to discuss the roundabouts and how they will work. Erik noted he would also like to hear Ed’s perspective on them. Commissioner Jackson said he would reach out to Ed after the fair. Erik noted that Brian Walsh, an engineer for WSDOT is an expert with roundabouts. He felt it would be a good idea to involve him in the conversations. A meeting will be set up in September. Commissioner Stamper discussed the Onalaska school crosswalk. Tim noted he has been speaking with the superintendent and is working out the issues. He noted the school needs walking plan. Meeting ended 11:21 a.m. To do List  Commissioner Jackson will speak with Ed Orcutt and meeting will be set up regarding Rush Rd issues for September. 