2018-08-06 BOCC Update with Erik MartinUpdate with Erik Martin August 6, 2018 11:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Erik Martin, Archie Smith, David Fine, Commissioner Jackson (11:04 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Archie Smith discussed the proposed County Manager contract and whether an arbitration clause should be included. David Fine said an arbitration clause would be in the county’s best interest. Commissioner Jackson joined at 11:04 a.m. Erik Martin said he would like a clause for good-faith mediation rather than an arbitration clause. David said arbitration would be quicker, would take up less staff time than litigation and would provide a result in short order. He said courts also favor former employees in litigation matters. Erik said he would like to have the job for a long time and does not know what future boards may look like. David said arbitration “isn’t a hill the commissioners should die on.” He said that if litigation is allowed, he would suggest including language that litigation would occur in Cowlitz County. Commissioner Jackson said he’d like to see language requiring good-faith mediation and leave litigation open-ended. Commissioner Stamper said he’d like to see how other counties have handled similar situations. David cautioned that a charter form of government could change the role of county manager. He said the contract should specify what would happen if the position were to go away under a charter form of government. David said he would draft language to reflect that possibility. David and Archie left at 11:30 a.m. The group discussed their calendars. Commissioner Jackson left at 11:39 a.m. and returned at 11:44 a.m. Commissioner Fund discussed a recent staffing problem that delayed the opening of Schaeffer Park. Erik said the directors and administrators will begin meeting with him instead of the commissioners effective in September. He said the electeds will meet with the commissioners. Erik asked if the commissioners will want personnel discussions to go through him or the commissioners. He said he will address personnel needs for administrators and directors. He said he is reviewing BOCC office tasks and duties. Erik said the dumping on Highway 7 did not involve the county. Erik said the county has determined that basketball hoops next to the curb are not a nuisance. Commissioner Jackson said the woman with the basketball hoop complaint will discuss her concerns with her homeowners’ association. Commissioner Jackson left at 11:57 a.m. Erik discussed space planning for the former site of WSU Extension. Commissioner Jackson returned at noon. Erik stressed the need for a united message that the county is open and willing to discuss others’ views about communications services. Meeting ended at 12:16 p.m.