2018-08-06 PHSS Minutes BOCC Update BOCC Update Minutes August 6, 2018 Start Time: 2:00 pm End Time: 3:08 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Commissioner Jackson JP Anderson Erik Martin Casey Peters Sara Sons Recorder: Danette York BUDGET Danette anticipated getting the 2019 budget proposal in by the established deadline. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • Update on Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) Advisory Board – JP Discussion: The last meeting did not have a quorum. Reliable Enterprises is working on their phase 2 construction on Reynolds Road for 29 family units of low-income housing. This will bring 12 new Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) vouchers to Lewis County. PHSS provided a letter of support for the project about a year ago. It is now to the point where they have requested support in the form of $125,000. We can use 2163 document recording fee funds if this request is approved. The balance in the 2163 housing fund is currently about $800,000 and this type of project is the perfect way to spend down some of that balance. The Advisory Board Housing Committee recommends approving the request. Since there was not a quorum, the Advisory Board could not make a final decision. If they do approve it, a formal recommendation will come forward to the BOCC for a final decision. Decision: JP and Danette will review the by-laws and resolution which established the Advisory Board. If electronic voting is allowed, we will obtain a decision that way so this can move forward before the next in-person advisory board meeting. • Community Action Council (CAC) – JP Discussion: JP provided an overview of what CAC is. They did not have a regular meeting this past month so there was not a specific update. Danette shared that CAC was one of 56 proposals submitted in response to the Cascade Pacific Action Alliance RFP. We had other agencies in the County submit proposals as well. We should know who receives awards by late August. NEW ISSUES • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: 1. Hadaller, Jacob/Katherine Carroll – Birley Rd., Mossyrock – Mr. Hadaller is now back home but we received information that 2 or 3 of his dogs (German Shepherds) killed chickens over the weekend. Mr. Hadaller had indicated he was willing to work with us to turn in some of the dogs but now has decided he is going to try to sell them instead of turning them over to the County. 2. Stajduhar, Gariel – 318 Kruger Rd., Onalaska – This is an event venue, currently stating they are only holding family events but he has made contact with a permitting company to begin the process so he can make it a commercial operation. 3. Cowlitz River Ranch – Sayad, Jodi and David, 133 Griffis Rd., Onalaska – This is another event venue that continues to hold wedding and commercial events without change of occupancy, has zoning violations, and lacks septic and public water approval. They have been issued a civil infraction. 4. GE Toledo Farms, Jackson Hwy, Toledo – This is a blueberry farm that has been issued a stop work order from moving thousands of cubic yards of dirt – the firm is out of Vancouver BC but we are working with someone locally on trying to get them to obtain proper permits. 5. Melton, Richard – remote property on State Route 7, Morton – Bill investigated and determined the County is not building a road through his property as this individual believed. Any concerns at the property are civil in nature. 6. Leisure Time Resort, Fredplant Road, Silver Creek – Citizen complained alleging waterborne illness from the Group A water system at the campground. This water system is a State Department of Health (DOH) system so the complaint is being handled by them. The complainant continues to try to make it a county issue. 7. Halloway Estates, HOA – Chehalis UGA – The complaint is about portable basketball goals being placed on a county road. Commissioner Jackson will respond to the complainant explaining that this is not a county nuisance so it is a civil issue between her and her neighbor. 8. Summer Star event, 2009 Centralia Alpha Rd, Chehalis – This is an event that was held July 20-22, 2018. It did not meet the definition of a music event but we did receive one complaint about the noise. 9. Gilliland, Sandra – 109 Rose Marie Dr., Chehalis – The owner has a dog that has attacked and severely injured another dog. We have a dangerous dog hearing scheduled. There are also significant solid waste violations on the property resulting in civil citation. 10. Hicks, Donna – 414 Russell Rd., Winlock – Continuing to cite for burning and solid waste violations. 11. Port of Centralia – Long Rd vicinity, Centralia – This is within city limits or UGA but we receive complaints about vacant, unsecured buildings being used by transients causing solid waste issues including syringes. We have referred it to the city of Centralia. 12. A&L Slaughtering – 743 Koontz Rd. – Not on Bill’s list but Commissioner Jackson asked about the slaughtering business practices happening there. Bill explained A&L is permitted through Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) and we currently do not have any jurisdiction other than some solid waste citations if they leave solid waste on the ground. Decision: Bill and Danette will draft a letter from the Board of Health to WSDA asking them to verify all practices taking place are within the scope of their permit. Commissioner Jackson left at 2:45 • Car Seat Program – Danette and Casey Discussion: Casey provided an update on the number of trainings, technicians, car seat clinics, car seats distributed, and clients helped. Danette explained this is a Public Health and Public Safety program that is needed and very helpful to our community. However, while Casey is great at obtaining funds to purchase the car seats and training information, we have no funding source to cover the staff’s time put into the program. Therefore, we are attempting to move the program out of County Government to a non- profit organization. If we are not successful, we will come back to the Commissioners to ask for current expense funding in order to keep the program going. • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Update – JP and Sara Discussion: Sara was introduced and then provided an update on meeting with DVR. Like other areas of the Country the State DVR department has had to implement “Order of Selection”. This means individuals who qualify for their supportive employment services are placed on a wait list based on the significance of their developmental disability. The order of selection has five levels with level one being the most significantly disabled. Even being placed in level one may still mean a lag time before getting services. DVR is also short staffed and specifically having a difficult time finding staff for their Lewis County out station. JP explained that our department will continue to work with DVR, keeping in touch with them about clients and services needed. BOH ISSUES There is no BOH meeting in August. GOOD OF THE ORDER • Using Foundational Public Health Service (FPHS) funds, we plan to increase Ed Mund’s time to 1 FTE. He will serve as our communications coordinator including policy development, Public Information Officer (PIO) and representative for all state-wide communications work. A Personnel Action Form (PAF) will come through soon. • Erik Martin stated that we will transition from an update with the BOCC to an update with him as County Manager in September. Danette already has meetings scheduled with Erik so will add this to the agenda so we can discuss how many we need per month and what the update process will be like since they will no longer be a public meeting. • Commissioner Stamper asked if we had heard anything about individuals renting out their lawns/yards to campers. He received a concern about such a place in Silver Creek. Bill discussed this with him and will look into it to see if we have any jurisdiction over such practices.